Thanks To You (Darkest Days)

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Pairing: Luz x Amity

Pairing: Luz x Amity

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This was weird.

One minute, Luz was sleeping and recovering after a vicious beating from Hero, and the next, she woke up in the Owl House.

"What...? Why am I here? And am I on the floor?" Luz said to herself, standing up.

She was still a bit hurt, so she limped around the house. She confirmed it was a 1 to 1 replica of the Owl House in her universe, except it was quite neat and tidy.

"There's no Hooty here either... where am I?" Luz hoped this wasn't some weird trick from Hero. "No, this is too subtle for someone like him. Something else brought me here... but what?"

It couldn't have been the corruption either because bringing her here seemed pointless. She was already contained, so why move her?

"This is weird." Luz muttered, returning to the living room. "I don't like how quiet this place is-"

Luz halted when she saw someone else was here and looking around.


Amity turned around.


They hugged each other and looked into one another's eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Amity asked. "How are you? I mean, how are we here? Are we okay?"

"We're fine, Amity." Luz said. "At least I hope we are."

She got down to business. "What do you remember before ending up here?"

"I carried you away after that sick piece of garbage, Hero, beat you. After you went to sleep, I went to sleep next to you. And when I woke up, here I am."

"That just about lines up with my story... weird, isn't it? I checked out this place, and it's just like the Owl House, except there's no Hooty, and there's no mess to speak of."

"Strange. This definitely isn't Hero's brain child since, to my knowledge, he was never in the Owl House. He wouldn't know what it looked like." Amity said.

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