The Second Wife (Darkest Days)

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Story: Darkest Days

Pairing: Villain x Core


While Villain was hanging out with his friends for once, Marcy met up with Core.

"Oh, wifey! Do I have a tale for you!"

Core instantly appeared. Marcy took a bit to stare at her incredibly well-crafted and sexy body for a bit.

"Did you do it?"

"Of course I did! And it was... epic." Marcy said. She shuddered and bit her lip. "His cock was so thick and hard! It reached so deep inside of me too. Man, and his stud body too! Oh, and don't even get me started on the mating press he did to me! Ugh, I want him to fuck me again already! But I'm not selfish, so you'll have your turn with him soon."

"You're a god talking so lovingly about a mortal man. I expect no less from him." Core said.

"He's no average mortal man, Core. He's the man! His body is stunning, his cock touched my soul and fucked it into submission, and all of that perfection is wrapped around an intelligent head. He's the whole package and then some." Marcy said, shamelessly reveling in her lust for her husband. "The things I'd do for him if he didn't have a pesky moral compass. Ah, well. I'll enjoy what I can and be grateful to have such a man in my life."

"You're making me jealous, sweetheart." Core said. "Though when my time comes, I'm sure I'll be just as head over heels for him as you are."

Marcy paused. "Say, since Villain is currently busy, why don't I prepare you for when he comes and claims your being as well?"

"Prepare? How so?"

"Simple. I will stimulate your body and mind so that once Villain comes to claim you, you'll feel really good." Marcy said.

"Go ahead," Core said, opening up her arms. "Whatever it is you wish to do to me, I will not refuse."

Marcy puts Core on her back and sits on her body, resting on her large breasts. "We are Villain's wives. Our marriage is forever, and our bodies and abilities are for his usage and benefit only. Of course, we can play with and use each other as well, but the irrefutable truth is that we, as women, are completely and unwaveringly subservient to our husbands. Do you understand?"

"I understand," Core answered.

"And these," Marcy suddenly snatched Core's plus-sized basketball tits in her hands and massaged them. Core squirmed. "Are our pride as women. Our beauty, our bodies, our minds, love, and souls, all of these things are a prize that our husband won ages ago. And since he won, he has the right to enjoy his prize as much as he pleases. Our pride as women and wives lies in his enjoyment of us."

"I understand."

Marcy teleports off of Core and gets closer to her face. She placed her hands on her cheeks, and the mechanical beauty was breathing a little hard. "You, Core, are the perfect woman and wife in body. You're almost as tight as I am, your ass is huge, your hips are wonderful, and you're beautiful beyond words. If I were to live a million lifetimes, I'd choose you as my lover every time."

"So... what am I doing wrong?"

"It's not what you're doing, it's what you aren't doing. Your head isn't in the game." Marcy said. "Allow me to show you the way, my dear."

Marcy placed her hands atop Core's head and gently scratched her hair. Core was feeling a bit relaxed.

"As I stated before, you have the body of a wife, but you don't have the mind for it." She said softly. "We have the power of a God, we can erase and create worlds in the blink of an eye. But none of that matters, and that shouldn't matter to you. Because in the end, the only thing that matters is our love for our husband."

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