God's Paradise (Multiverse Of Exe's)

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Pairing: Orgy
Pairing(2): Marine x A lot lol


Nantelle and Amy weren't that well acquainted, but perhaps this was the time to make up for that.

"You're pretty cute, fortune teller." Amy said as she tongue kissed her. She straddled Nantelle, prompting her to grope her heavy asscheeks.

"You're pleasant to look at yourself, Amy Rose." Nantelle said. Clothes were a thing of the past. Nantelle uncaringly burned hers, and Amy's away.

The two girls heard several other makeout sessions in the happening. Amy stopped kissing Nantelle and said, "So... do I eat you out, or...?"

"Both." Nantelle said, giving her ass an eager grip. "I want all of this cake planted on my face. It's only far that I let you have a slice of mine as well."


While the girls and Tails were having their fun, Marine landed in her first universe, which was currently experiencing a night cycle. Figuring that she needed a human disguise since these worlds mostly consisted of human residents, she made one on the spot.

She was now a busty black haired woman with platinum eyes, average height, and a fat ass. She wore basic civilian clothes and went off searching for her targets, whom she scouted earlier. Unfortunately, she had to hide the Chaos Collar her goddess gifted her with so long ago.

As she walked around, she noted that this world was in an older time period, meaning that they probably didn't have any eye-catching treasure. Shame.

Immediately losing interest, she turned invisible and warped into the living space of her first target, who was surprisingly still awake despite the time.

She was snickering, unaware of her presence.

"I'm too good for sleeping. Foolish Denji."

'Her name is Nayuta

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'Her name is Nayuta...' Marine thought, freezing time.

"Hello." Marine suddenly made herself known, taking Nayuta by surprise.

Nayuta composed herself and raised an eyebrow, pointing at her. A chain plants itself into Marine's head.

"Huh?" Marine muttered. 'Mind Control? As if my loyalty to goddess could ever be broken.'

She glared the chain away, taking Nayuta by surprise.

"I'm not here to kill you or that guy sleeping in the other room. No..." Marine crouched to meet her eyes. "I am here for you."

She picked her up with one hand. Nayuta couldn't summon the strength to fight back. Marine sat on their couch with Nayuta on her lap.

"I'm Marine. I come from a world far away, and I'm here because I serve the greatest and most powerful being in creation." She explained. "I could easily take control of your mind and make you loyal to her, but that's no fun, so I'm doing it this way."

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