The Soul (Multiverse Of Exe's)

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Story: Multiverse Of Exe's

Pairing: The Queen x Nantelle

Pairing: The Queen x Nantelle

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The pets of The Queen, upon hearing Fanon, their sister in arms, being fucked into further submission by their master, all came together.

Their bodies were hot and tense. Marine, Nantelle, and Hypatia sat before each other. They were rubbing their thighs together, their hearts were pounding due to the sound of their sister being pounded.

"T-This sucks!" Marine said, panting as if she had just run a marathon. "I can't believe this. Why does Fanon get to be pounded first?! It... It should've been me! I was the first one she took under her wing!"

"Like that matters!" Hypatia said. She came a little bit after hearing Fanon scream before continuing. "I have the fattest ass. And the fattest tits, too. So I should naturally be the most desirable and thus the first to be fucked out of all of us!"

"Quiet, cow!" Marine said. "If all her highness wanted in a loyal pet was an ass that had a gravitational pull and tits to match, then I wouldn't be here. Nan probably wouldn't be here either. There's some other factor we don't know of."

"You're just jealous we're hotter than you. You'd think after millions of years you'd have become just a little sexier. But no, you're still a tiny little thing." Hypatia said smugly.

Marine growled. "You'd think after millions of years you'd be more than just a fat whore. But no, you're still as rotund as ever."

"A-Arguing will-!" Nantelle breathes, trying to calm her nerves. But her soul wouldn't calm down at all thanks to the meaty slaps of her master brutally fuckering her sister's fat blue ass. "As I was saying, arguing will do nothing, sisters. We must help each other get through this without disturbing her highness."

"Hey! Nan!" Marine said. "You can see the future or something, right? Do you know who Her Highness will fuck next and when?"

Instead of answering, Nantelle crawled toward Marine on all fours and grabbed her arms at breakneck speed.

"Hypatia. Our dear sister is quite mouthy, don't you think?" Nantelle said. "I'm gonna play with her. Wanna join in?"

"Do I?" Hypatia said. She holds down Marine's legs. She couldn't move an inch. "You know, Marine. You're quite the brat when you're around us. Always talking high and mighty because you were the first. But you're the most submissive and devoted out of all of us when her highness is around. You just love being bullied and toyed with like an object."

Nantelle placed the back of Marine's hands on the bed and sat her knees on them. Hypatia continues speaking. "I take pride in my knowledge. I know quite a bit about you, Marine. I know of the thousands of horrible, vile things you want Her Highness to do to you. Once she has her fill of Fanon and comes up here, I'm gonna spill everything, and there's nothing you can do about it bratty little whore."

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