Falling Down (Ice Man?)

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Story: Ice Man?

Pairing: Momo x Ui Ui


It was another day in the household of Momo and Ui Ui. They were a bit bored ever since a record-breaking blizzard caused both of their workplaces to be closed for a while. It had been a few days since then.

'This is great!' Momo woke up after sleeping in for a bit. 'Me and Ui get to spend more time together! We can touch each other, fuck each other, break each other until this all blows over. I hope it never does.'

But she woke to find that Ui Ui was with her, naked as usual, but he was on his laptop doing something. He looked like he was at it all night.

Momo took a bit to stare at him before she said anything. 'Ugh, looking at his fat ass from this angle is getting me worked up. His hips are so wide too. If I were Samsara, I'd come back and tap that ASAP.'

"Hey, Ui," Momo said.

"Hey," Ui Ui replied tiredly.

A bit concerned, Momo got up. "What are you doing?"

"Thanks to the blizzard, we can't work, and thus can't make any money. Because neither of our jobs has opened up work online yet, we'll have to find something else to do for now."

"You've... been looking all night?"

"Yes," Ui Ui said. "I'd like to relax, but there are too many problems right now. So it'll have to wait."

Just then, something clicks in Momo. Some dark was brewing in her. 'Because of the day-to-day problems in life, I can't spend time with my possess– I mean, my boyfriend and eventual husband, Ui Ui.'

This deeply angered her, so much so that Ui Ui felt a brief spike in cursed energy from her, causing him to flinch and turn around, only to see her smiling.

"Ui Ui. You've done more than enough for today. Let me take care of all of the abhorring labor while you catch up on sleep, okay?" Momo said in a cheery voice.

'What was that just now?' Ui Ui asked himself. 'Just for a brief moment, her cursed energy oozed with blinding rage. I don't think I've ever felt such anger before in my life. It was a bit scary.'

"No, I–"

"Did I scare you just now?" Momo suddenly asked with a sad face, making Ui Ui widen his eyes. "Please don't be scared of me, Ui. Any negative emotion you feel toward me is heartbreaking."

"I'm not scared of you, Momo," Ui Ui kissed her to cement this. "Back to what I was saying, I'm fine. If it's for our sake, I'm willing to put in any amount of work."

"No," Momo said firmly. "Endlessly searching isn't guaranteed to work. I, however, have something that may work, so let me try it out."

"I mean... I have complete trust in you and all, but are you sure? Time is of the essence here since our food and stuff is extremely limited. Once it's all gone, it may be impossible to get more due to the weather."

"Time?" Momo said. She held his hands. "You forget. We were brought together by one of the most powerful forces in existence. The almighty power of time itself, wielded by our Samsara. And the power of time is still weak in comparison to my love for you."

"This will work, Ui. Just trust me. But I can't do my thing knowing you're all stressed and tense. Let me fix that for you." Momo gently stroked his arm before lying him on his front. Ui Ui's thick gelatinous thighs jiggled as he made himself comfortable.

Momo took a moment to admire his sexy and vulnerable feminine body. It was all hers to play with for now.

"I'm gonna take such good care of you. Just..." Momo's words almost sound infused with a surprisingly gentle cursed energy. "Focus only on me. My words,"

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