The True Wife (Darkest Days)

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Story: Darkest Days

Pairing: Villain x Darcy

Pairing: Villain x Darcy

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It didn't take very long for Marcy and Core to call for Villain again. Well, not call, more like summon him to his bedroom again.

They were in an interesting position. Marcy was on top of Core, they tightly intermingled their bodies while dutifully offering up their pussies to him, forming a sort of tower.

"So, who's gonna ne the lucky wife, huh?" Marcy asked. She licked her lips while fondling Core's large tits. "Will it be me?"

Core playfully smacked Marcy's ass before asking, "Or me?"

They turned to each other, loving the thrill of not knowing who their husband would choose to rail first.

"Before he chooses, Marcy, I just want you to know," Core's heart jumped when she heard the bed creak. Their husband must've been in the selecting process. "There will be no hard feelings, regardless of who he chooses to fuck first."

"Right," Marcy said as she and Core lovingly held each other's faces. "Let's soar together. We'll-"

Marcy's breath hitched and she bit her lip. "He-! He chose me..!"

"Congratulations, darling," Core said with a genuine smile. She got happier when she saw her co-wife beginning to get pounded. "Now, as you were saying, let's soar together. We'll make sweet, raunchy love for the rest of time."

They began making out. Villain mounted Marcy, and Core squished them closer together, sandwiching the one the brought them together. Villain planted his hands on Marcy's shoulders as he pounded her. Core grabbed her ass and lovingly squeezed it.

Core eventually broke the kiss and asked, "How are you feeling, love?"

"L-Like I'm being sandwiched by the two loves of my life...!" Marcy replied while moaning indiscriminately. She was stuffed between Core's tits so it was a bit hard to hear her. "That's a good girl. Stay nice and tight for our husband." Core said. She coddled and cuddled her while Villain fucked her.

A few minutes later, Villain thrusts in her one last time before taking a breath and cumming inside of her. To his surprise, both Marcy and Core reacted. They held each other and moaned in unison as Marcy was being flooded. As it turns out, the womb tattoos they gave themselves earlier connected their minds, so whenever one orgasmed, the other did too.

Once Villain was done, he pulled out. To his surprise, not a drop of his handiwork spilled out. Marcy utilized her powers to keep it all inside her.

"That was fun," Marcy said. "And I see our tattoos worked wonders on each other, Core."

"Let us continue," Core commented.

They changed positions. Core gently lied Villain on his back while Marcy went off to the side, looking down at him and brushing his cheek with her hand, smiling.

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