Favorites (Multiverse Of Exe's)

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Story: Multiverse Of Exe's

Pairing: The Queen x Marine


"Your Highness..." Marine said meekly. The Queen was surprised when instead of being eager for it, Marine apologetically bowed to her. "This tiny, useless body of mine is incapable of pleasing you."

"Excuse me?"

Marine started tearing up. "My sisters. Nantelle, Hypatia, and Fanon... I'm inferior to them. I want nothing more than to please you as they can, but my body isn't a marvel like theirs. If you were to use me, I'd most likely end up being a disappointment."

"So... I won't be surprised or mad at you if you throw me away. It's what I deserve for being useless." Marine cleared her throat. "But if I can't bring you pleasure, I hope I can at least be of some use to you, so..."

She offered up her soul without raising her head from bowing. It was quite a bit smaller than the souls of the other girls. "Take this. It's small and worthless in comparison to my sister's souls, but someday, I hope my being becomes useful to you."

The Queen silently took it and stored it in her body. "As for my body... you can do what you want with it. You can eat me or just kill me, as long as you enjoy yourself, I won't ask for more."

Marine expected and waited for death, but it didn't arrive. She doesn't stop bowing until The Queen speaks.

"Raise your head."

Marine slowly looks up at her, only to see that The Queen, for the first time in forever, reverted to her slightly altered smaller form. She wasn't as busty as she was before, but the bulge in her shorts signified that her cock was still there, along with thick thighs and an ass that was bigger than Marine's but smaller than Fanon's. Her sclera were black and her eyes were a beautiful bright red color.

"If I thought you weren't fit for fucking, I wouldn't have kept you around for all of these years. And I certainly wouldn't have selected you to be one of my pets in the first place. Now come here." The Queen said.

Marine scrambled off of the bed and stood before her. She blushed. 'None of her previous beauty left her. If anything, it must be amplified due to being in a smaller body.'

"After I got the idea to get pets for myself after seeing alternate versions of me with Chao, and obtained the four of you, I've gained a taste for women." She said. "I like 2 kinds in particular."

Marine listened in.

"I just love women with a pair of huge tits paired with a fat ass built for being fucked in submission by my cock. And they have to have wide hips like Hypatia's. Oh, and if they have just a little bit of fat on their tummies that I can squeeze while fucking them, they get bonus points! Women like I just described make me cum so hard! I'm quite the ass-loving lady if I'm being honest." The Queen drooled when thinking about the ideal woman for her. Marine became a little saddened.

"But my other favorite kind of woman. Well, it's you."

"H-Huh?! But why? How? I'm not appealing at all..."

"That's what you think. In reality, there's something about you that doesn't exist in my other pets." The Queen said, approaching Marine. She looked apprehensive before The Queen suddenly appeared behind her and gave her a bear hug.

"Your smell," The Queen buried her face in her neck and took a whiff of her. "Your body," She squeezes her flat chest and her abdomen before grinding her bulge into her. "You're making me so hard, Marine. I hope you take responsibility."

"I... I will, Your Highness. I'll do whatever you ask." Marine said. The Queen appeared in front of her and held her face. "This time, I think I'll take my time enjoying myself."

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