Two for Two (Multiverse Of Exe's)

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Story: Multiverse Of Exe's

Pairing: Surge x Kitsunami


While in the middle of a bath and generally enjoying life, Surge bursts into the bathroom buck naked and with her hair down.

"Hi, Kit."

"Hi, Surge," Kitsunami replied. "Not that I'm complaining or anything, but why are you in here? I'm pretty sure you have your own bathroom."

"We're gonna bathe together."

Kit chuckled. "That's all?"

"Of course not," Surge replied. "I'm gonna get in now. I'll wash you up good."

She got in the bath and faced him. She snatched the shampoo out of his hands and rubbed it in his head for him.

"So..." Kit glanced at Surge's heavy tits before looking back into her eyes. "I assume you and EXE have done it already?

"Of course. While you were gone, actually, " Surge said. "We have a surprise for you, by the way. But I wanted to take you before that."

"While I was gone? If you planned that then it was pointless. I'm fine with-"

Surge shuts him up with a kiss. She pressed her soft and wet body against his. Kit grabbed one of her breasts as Surge took a handful of his hair and deepened the kiss.

"So, when the inevitable threesome happens, what do you have planned? Are you give or take or...?"

"I could go either way," Kit answered. He and Surge watch the tip of his cock rise and poke out of the water. "But right now I feel like giving."

"As expected," Surge said, standing up and picking up Kit with ease. Over the years he grew only a little bit. He was still as short as ever, but his throbbing hard dick only got bigger with time.

"I suppose all of the growing went to this. I ain't complaining though."

She held him up against the wall and kissed his cock head. She wriggled her tongue against the tip, teasing it and making Kit squirm adorably. Then she took him by surprise by consuming all 7 of his inches in one fell swoop, bobbing her head up and down vigorously.

"Surge..! Y-Your mouth is- ugh!" Kit moaned out. His legs were quaking and he couldn't properly form his words. Surge was sucking him too hard.

'I love that face he's making.' Surge thought before upping her pace, making Kit cum a few minutes later. She sucked even harder to draw out and heighten his first orgasm as much as possible. Surge swallowed everything and said, "You're about as tasty as EXE was, I'd say. Let's continue."

She lowered him a bit. She was wet in more ways than one in Kit's eyes. Surge quickly switched from holding him up by his arms to with her large ass. She inserted his cock inside her at the speed of sound. "Your small body is so easy to toy with. And believe me, I'll be toying with it!"

She bounced her ass against Kitsunami's pelvis, making the walls rumble and shake under the pressure of Surge's stacked posterior. Kitsunami grabs her doughy green ass and spreads her cheeks apart. He creates a tentacle of darkness and shoves it in, catching Surge off guard.

"What was it you said? You'd toy with me, right?" Kit asked with an intense expression, restraining Surge's arms and legs with the darkness, spreading her open. She could break out of this easily, but she decided to play along.

"Oh, uh... did I say that? I-I was only joking, Kit! You know me!" Surge said nervously.

"Maybe, but I'll still be taking the reigns. I said I'll be giving, remember?" Kit said. He jerks his cock a bit before plunging it inside Surge again, fucking her at his own pace this time. Watching her ass jiggle due to the immense power behind his every thrust made his cock pulse even harder.

"Damn, Kit! You're-" Kitsunami silences her by shoving a dark tentacle in her mouth, fucking both of her holes at once. Her moans, as loud as they were, were drowned out by the house-shaking plapping noise that echoed throughout their home.

As great as this was, Kit eventually had to cum, which he did inside of her just like the first time. Surge's whole body froze up as she was being flooded by semen.

'H-His darkness is defiling my soul..! It feels so good!' Surge thought. Kit retracts his cock from her pussy as soon as he was finished 20 seconds later.

"Nice ass, Surge." Kit let out a satisfied breath and released Surge. "You've always been well endowed, but your body only got better with time. Kind of like mine."

"Thank you," Surge said. "You know, getting in with a good exe like EXE sure is a privilege. You, me, and him will never be apart, and I'll kill anyone who tries ruining things."

Kit chuckled. "I didn't think you'd ever say something so sappy. But yeah, I feel the same way. Most exe's suck, but I'm thankful we got one who turned out fine."

"Wait until you see what else he can do. Turns out he's been holding out on us!"

They dried themselves off, put on their clothes, and went downstairs. EXE was watching TV as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, EXE," Kit said. EXE glanced in his direction. "Surge claims you've been holding out on us. Feel like elaborating?"

"Hm..." EXE said externally. He then communicates with Surge telepathically. 'You or female me?'

'Female you, 100%. You're hot no matter your gender.' Surge replied.

"Showing would be easier than telling," EXE said. Surge sat Kit down. She and EXE sandwiched him easily.

"What exactly are you gonna show me?" Kit asked, confused. Surge covered his eyes, and uncovered them a few seconds later. He was face to face with EXE's female form.

"So, do you like it?" EXE asked, showing off and highlighting her buxom curves. "I never planned on showing this off or mentioning this to anyone, but I'll make an exception for you two."

"Aw, he's stunned by your beauty," Surge cupped his chin and lifted his face. He averted his eyes. "He's about as cute as ever."

"I agree," EXE said. "But I'm concerned. He seems stressed. He can't seem to look at me."

"Stressed?" Surge made Kit look into her eyes. "Are you okay, Kit? I didn't think you'd be stressed after fucking me, but if I wasn't enough we could always do it again."

She sat him in her lap and spread his legs, showing his throbbing erection to the world. She rested her breasts on top of his head and gently rubbed and squeezed his inner thighs and waist.

"You know something I just noticed? Your lower half in particular is pretty meaty. Like, your hips are wide, your thighs are firm and thick, and your butt's impressively big." Surge said, running her hands all across his body.

"It's probably to help support this here," Surge grabbed and started jerking his cock. "But I can think of other ways it can be used."

"We all have our quirks, Surge. It shouldn't be surprising that he's as sexy as us." EXE said. "But anyway. What will it be, Kit? Do you want your two hot girlfriends to play with you?"

"A-Actually..." Kit said nervously. "No offense, but I prefer your regular form."

EXE blinked. She wasn't expecting this. "For real?"

"For real," Kit said. "That's not to say I don't like you as a girl or anything, you're stunning! But if I had to choose, I'd choose your regular self 9 times out of 10."


"I would too," Surge said. "But damn if your female form isn't super hot."

"I prefer the regular you, but for now I'll take you up on your offer. Even though me and Surge did it moments ago." Kit said.

"Don't be silly, Kit. Two rounds aren't nearly enough for me. And I doubt it was enough for you either." Surge said, licking her lips.

"You're right."

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