The Pantheon Grows (Multiverse Of Exe's)

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Pairing: The Queen x Everyone


"You're an interesting bunch."

The new "reserve" members of the Pantheon, except for Sarada Uchiha and the other two Vegapunks, were all lined up side to side in front of The Queen. All of their clothes were on for now. Marine, in her original form, sat next to her on the couch.

The other girls were all sitting around, most of them sitting on one another's laps or in other shamelessly intimate positions.

'Geez, she's... intimidating.' Asa thought. 'But...' She was allured by her body. 'Her tits are huge!'

"I bet you all know who I am by now," the Queen said. "But I don't know you. That's okay, we'll be good friends shortly. We'll get to know each other through skinship."

"Skinship?" Fami asked. "I figured we'd talk over dinner or something, but that works too."

"Marine and I will demonstrate."

Without being commanded, Marine strips until she's completely bare. The Queen does the same, her huge tits bouncing after taking her top off. The girls, new and old, began drooling. The boys, new and old, get as hard as diamond upon seeing her exposed body.

But there was a certain appendage on her they weren't expecting to see. Her cock was bigger than anything they've ever seen, and it wasn't even hard yet. Makima, Nayuta, Asa, and Reze, cum just by seeing it, and everyone knew it. It's musk was melting their minds and loosening up their souls.

'Ugh...! Seriously?!' Nayuta couldn't stop trembling as her pussy kept gushing. 'My body's reacting on its own!'

Makima was in the same boat. She tried pressing her thighs tightly together, but she couldn't stop getting wetter and wetter. Asa and Reze held onto each other, panting heavily. Their undergarments were soaked even more so due to them being human. The rest of the crowd stood in shocked silence.

With a knowing smile, Marine crawls on The Queen's lap, the rabbit goddess holding her close with two left arms. Marine shifts, pressing herself against her abs, cuddling her.

"This is the part where we would talk and such. But Marine's been mine since the beginning, so I already know everything there is to know about her." The Queen explained.

"And after our talk, we do this."

They smashed their lips together, making out. The Queen cupped her chin and shoved her elongated tongue deeper down her throat. Everyone could see Marine getting wet at her touch. The Queen grabbed and played with her ass and Marine groped her massive breasts.

This went on for a few minutes, with Marine grinding in her lap constantly like a stripper, getting the goddess hard quickly. The Queen slides out of her mouth.

"You're an adorable little thing, you know that?" The Queen said, stroking her cheek lovingly.

"Not as cute as you, Goddess." Marine replied. "My body is all yours to use as you see fit. But you already knew that."

Marine got off of her lap but clung to one of her arms. She addressed the new girls, "See? It's not that hard. Simply follow my example."

Then came the dilemma. Who would go first? It wouldn't be a dilemma for long, as Nayuta raised her hand almost immediately.

"I'll go first!" She proclaimed, earning a glare from her other self, Makima.

Nayuta got naked quickly, not wanting to test the patience of the Queen. She straddled her and instantly shuddered at the skin-to-skin contact.

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