The Best Game (Darkest Days)

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Story: Darkest Days

Pairing: Collector x Azula

Pairing: Collector x Azula

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"Hey, I'll be back in two days. The passwords to the other floors are on the kitchen table, and your moms are in their universe discussing gem stuff with Yellow and White Diamond." Villain said, about to leave out the front door.

Collector was sitting on Azula's lap while he played a video game called Elden Ring. Once he had an understanding of the game after hundreds of thousands of failures, he made its notorious difficulty look like a joke.

"Where ya going?" Collector asked. Even while looking away he was still beating the Elden Beast without looking or taking damage.

"I'm gonna pick up some things from a few stores."

"Oh, while you're at it, pick up some harder games. Elden Ring is light work now." Collector said.

"I will. There are like five other Dark Souls games I think. I don't keep up with the franchise, so I could be wrong. Well, see you later." Villain said.

"Love you, Dad!" Collector said as he left the house.

As soon as he turns back to the TV, he finally gets hit by the Elden Beast. Collector was so consumed by rage that he nearly threw his controller across the room, but he sighed and placed it down, allowing his character to die.

He turned around, sank his face into Azula's breasts, and sighed heavily.

"I almost had it... I almost beat the entire game without taking any damage this time! Of course I get hit on the last boss!"

"There there, it'll be fine. There's always next time." Azula said, rubbing his back.

"You said that 499 next times ago." Collector looked up at her. "I'm starting to regret taking up this challenge."

"Now don't say that! The Collector I know doesn't give up on games or challenges no matter how long it takes to beat them. Do you know what I think would help? A break." Azula said.

"A break? But if I take a break I'll lose my edge and it'll be even harder to do this!"

"You can't maintain your edge if you keep playing. There are times when you must clear your mind and return to something later when you're refreshed and at full strength. Keep going and you'll only do worse, honey." Azula said.

Collector was reluctant, but eventually gave in and nodded. "What do I do then? Do I just sleep and try again later?"

"No, we can play another game. A new one for decompression purposes." Azula said.

"A new game?!" Collector said excitedly. "What is it? Come on, don't hold out on me!"

"It's something only you and I can do together, so don't ask or talk to anyone else about it," Azula said.

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