Stress-Free (Ice Man?)

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Story: Ice Man?

Pairing: Momo Nishimiya x Ui Ui 2


Ui Ui returned home from work a bit later than usual, which Momo immediately picked up on. She also noticed that he looked a bit angry.

"Hey, is something wrong?" Momo asked whilst lying on the couch.

"Some flirters, as usual. But these putrid guys were different. Even after I made it known that I was a guy, they persisted. They even tried getting physical. I tore off their hands and killed them, of course. But that altercation seriously destroyed my mood." Ui Ui explained.

He threw himself on the couch and rested on her. The walls of their house cracked under the pressure of Momo's anger-fueled cursed energy, but she calmed herself down.

"Would you like some help in forgetting about it? We can skip the usual stuff we do after work today. I believe we're off tomorrow."

"That's right," Ui Ui said. "What do you have in mind?"

"Two things. One of them I kept secret just in case something like this happened." Momo responds.

"Huh. Well, now you've got me all excited."

"Well don't get too excited, you'll have to wait until tomorrow. For now, I'll kiss and massage you to sleep."

Momo grabbed his face and shoved her tongue in his mouth, evidently cheering him up. She felt his stiffening cock piercing through her thighs through his clothes.

"Geez, I bet you're edging me on purpose." Ui Ui muttered.

Eventually, as difficult as it was, they fell asleep. The next morning, Ui Ui woke up to find that Momo was gone. Confused, he stretched and cleaned himself up as usual. He went to their bedroom and found Momo bent over and looking for something in the closet.

"Hey Ui Ui!" Momo said. Afterward, she seems to have found what she was looking for. "Ah, here they are."

She revealed their old outfits from their jujutsu days.

"You feeling nostalgic?" Momo asked, handing him her old clothing. "Let's play dress up."

Ui Ui smiled. "Sure,"

They put on each other's clothes.

"Hey, I think I look pretty good in this. It's kinda tight though, especially your panties." Ui Ui said. He felt Momo's old dress tightly clinging to his robust and wide hips. "It makes my ass look so much bigger than it already is, so I'll give it a pass. What do you think?"

Ui Ui turns around and wiggles his lower half. Momo drooled while watching his ass wobble. "I should make you wear my stuff more often."

She grabbed one of his gelatinous cheeks, causing Ui Ui to bite his lip and his cock to rise a bit.

"Anyway, how do I look?" Momo asked, showing off all of her curves.

"You look hot in shorts and all, but mine in particular are a bit baggy on you. I wonder why..."

"We'll chalk it up to your baby-bearing hips stretching them out. Anyway, onto the fun part. Come with me."

"I suppose you bought something. Maybe a strap-on or a dildo... I'd be fine with either." Ui Ui said.

"Nah, those are a bit tacky. But a dual-sided dildo we can both use simultaneously does sound kinda fun... but no, I got us something different."

She goes to the... kitchen? Ui Ui was confused. He assumed she hid her surprise here until she grabbed two beer mugs.

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