Succubus Part 2 (Ice Man?)

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Pairing: Samsara x Momo


Momo sauntered over to Samsara and straddled him as Ui Ui did. Momo felt his cock hug against her asscheek. She shifted a little, causing it to go in between her cheeks. Momo has to unfortunately hold back as to not make him cum too quickly.

"Ui Ui's sexy, isn't he?" Momo said, directing his eyes over to Ui Ui's huge rear. His asshole oozed semen, and his hands were twitching.

"Yeah... why?"

"Sex isn't about cumming lots. Not yet, anyway. It's about taking the time to enjoy every inch of your partner. To truly love them before finishing it off with a big helping of cream pie. Go too fast, and you'll feel good, sure, but not as good as you could've felt. There's a certain pace you need to go at to maximize pleasure in yourself and your partner. It's like eating. If you slam your face into your food, you'll get to enjoy some of it, but if you take your time and eat small bites, you'll like it a lot more."

"And that pace is?" Samsara asked.

"Not Ui Ui's." Momo giggled. "I don't know what he expected dropping such a massive helping of cake on you, but I digress."

"I'm gonna start now, okay?" Momo said, moving up and allowing the cockhead inside of her. As Momo descends, she spoke. "Me and Ui Ui have probably fucked hundreds of times. But I'm no loose whore, I'm just as tight as a virgin and I always will be." And then every inch was inside her. And to her delight, Samsara didn't cum yet.

"There we go. All in. Ui Ui's fat and feminine boy ass must've been good, but it doesn't compare to a woman like me, right?" Momo said brazenly. She soaked in Samsara's strained face and licked her lips. "That's it. That's the way. Take all of the pleasure you're feeling in. Enjoy and indulge yourself with my body."

Adapting quickly, not unlike a certain Shikigami, Samsara groped her ass like Ui Ui's. Its smaller yet more compact and firm fat made him squeeze it harder.

Momo sways her hips a little bit, making Samsara groan, but he still didn't explode. 'That's a good boy. My Samsara's such a quick learner. I can't wait to break him when he's at his highest...' She kept moving, and then she slowly moved off of his cock before dropping again. Samsara hung in there.

"In case you haven't clued in, your first lesson will be endurance. Lasting long is one of the most important things in enjoyable breeding. Try to last as long as possible while I play with you."

Momo, as time passed, gradually amped the difficulty. She increased her riding speed and added another sensation for him to endure: her kisses. But he wouldn't break. Despite sweating profusely, he was still kicking.

Momo takes it up a notch by gently stroking his abs and riding him even faster and harder. She stopped kissing him and moved her lips to his ear, moaning directly into it. She pressed her body against his firmly.

Now, finally feeling overwhelmed, Samsara grabbed onto Momo and came inside her. Unfortunately, she needed to take 2 more loads from him and make the same binding vow she made with Ui Ui before her power to steal cursed energy through love would kick in.

"You- Ngh..." Momo groaned as she was filled continuously. "You held it in for 7 minutes. Impressive for your first time. Now, take what you learned onto our next lesson."

As soon as he finished cumming, Momo got up and layed on top of Ui Ui, who was still out cold. She pressed her crotch into his plentiful ass and slapped her own.

"Go ahead. Do whatever comes to your mind, honey. Refine your technique by practicing on your girlfriend." Momo said.

Samsara goes with the flow and ends up thrusting into her second hole since he already used her pussy. His thrusts were sloppy, but the longer he fucked her anal-style the better at it he became. Momo loved watching and mostly feeling him become better with time. Her ass rippled and jiggled every time she was struck by his hips.

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