Chapter Twenty-Six || The Three Formed Goddess

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Chapter Twenty-Six

The Three Formed Goddess

"Well..." Reine began, "I can't really control any of my powers. I can't just use them. I've only been able to use them when I get upset." Reine informed the woman.

"Oooh, then this should be fun!" Hekate clapped her hands together as she turned on her heel and made her way deeper into the cavern. "Follow me!" The goddess said in a sing-song voice. As she led Reine and Riven farther into the cave, she began singing softly to herself and bopped her head to the song. "One, two, three, Hades gonna' flip. Four, five, six, Pers is gonna' dip-" Before she could continue singing, the sound of Riven's voice interrupted her. Which caused her to push out her lower lip and huff in annoyance.

"Kat..." Riven said with an arched brow, "Why is father going to flip?"

"Why do you think Ri Ri?"

"Ri Ri?" Reine repeated the nickname and tried not to laugh, though she let a big smile slip.

Riven rolled his eyes and shook his head in response to Reine. "I honestly don't have any idea why he would be upset."

"You brought his youngest to the Underworld to see me. He is going to be upset because he wasn't the one to see his daughter first."

"I'm sure the group text you sent will help the situation." Reine commented with a smirk.

"Oh, I'm just ripping off the band aid. It'll be easier to get it all over with. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he showed up here." Hekate said as they finally reached the training room. There were dummies that were made of rut sacks and filled with straw. Red targets were painted on their chests while at the front of their faces were large yellow smiley faces. Along the walls were motivational quotes scrolled over the rocks, and occasionally mixed amongst the quotes was a large poster of a kitten hanging on a tree limb with the words "Hang in there" on the poster.

"Great." Reine said under her breath. "Does that help?" The girl asked as she motioned her head toward the cat poster.

A big smile formed on Hekate's mouth. "Why yes it does," Kat said as she gracefully waved her hand through the air. As soon as her hand went back to her side, rock music began to play throughout the cavern.

Reine looked around the room for a moment before asking a question. "How did you do that?" She didn't see any speakers. There wasn't a remote in her hand or even a stereo present in the cave.

"Do you not know anything about me?" Kat asked as she began to pout. She thought she was pretty well known in the human world. At least she liked to believe that.

"I'm sorry, I don't know anything about Greek Mythology. I was raised Christian."

"Uh oh." Riven said. He quickly shook his head. "Take that back." He whispered to the girl as he took her hand and pulled her to his side.

"Take what-" Reine started, but was interrupted by the sound of Hekate's voice.

"Mythology?!" Kat raised her voice as her eyes turned black and her face became wrinkled. "Do I look like a myth to you?!"

"Kat," Riven began. "She didn't know. Calm down, please."

"I'll show you myth," Hekate spat out as she stopped over towards a dummy. She raised her hand and pointed it toward Reine as she furrowed her brow and let a bolt of red light escape her hand and rush towards the girl.

Riven hurriedly stepped in front of Reine. The bolt of light sent him flying into a cave wall, knocking the breath out of him.

Reine looked over her shoulder and saw Riven crumple to the ground. Her head shot back to look at Hekate. She hadn't meant to piss her off. Apparently, ‌mythology was a touchy subject. "I'm sorry!" Reine shouted at the goddess. "I wasn't taught-"

Hekate ignored the apology as she shot another beam of light towards the girl. This time, not missing her target. The human flew into the cavern wall right next to Riven. "Do I look like a myth?" Kat screeched as she allowed the shadows to take over her body. She disappeared for only a moment before reappearing in front of Reine. She leaned down, only inches from the girl's face as she took hold of her throat and picked her up. The human dangled in the air as the goddess stared up at her, tightening her grasp around her throat. " me a myth. Do you understand, little girl? I am thousands of years older than you. I could kill you with a snap of my fingers."

Reine attempted to nod, making sure the goddess knew she understood. In a flash, Hekate let go of the girl's throat, dropping her to the ground as her face went from looking aged and wrinkled to young once more. "Oh, Gods. I'm so sorry Reine! That was one of my other sides."

"Other sides?" Reine choked out.

"One of my names I'm known for is the Three Formed Goddess. I have two other sides to me." Hekate said as she held out her hand to the girl to help her up.

Reine shook her head brushing the goddess off as slowly stood and rubbed her throat in the process. "So you have multiple personalities?"

"Sort of. I never really looked at it that way though. The form you just saw represents the Crone. My other form is the Mother and this one is the Maiden. The Crone can be especially grouchy."

The next moment Reine watched as Hekate's facial expression changed into a deep scowl amongst the wrinkles. "I am not grouchy!" The Crone spat out in a huff. Before Reine could even say anything in response the woman's face changed once again. Once she finished morphing into her youthful appearance Kat narrowed her eyes for a moment as she spoke. "You just tried to kill your best friend's daughter! I think that falls under the qualification of being grouchy!"

The Crone formed for a third time, "If she hadn't said we were a myth then I wouldn't -" The goddess was cut off when Hekate switched to her Maiden side. "La la la!" The goddess yelled, her voice echoing off the cavern walls. "I can't hear you!" The woman plugged her ears with her fingers and started shaking her head as she walked around the cave. Her feet padding against the cold ground.

As Hekate continued to have an argument with herself, Reine looked over at Riven. "Are you alright?" She asked as she held out her hand to the man to help him up off the ground. "She hit you pretty hard." The sound of her voice was strained and rough, like she had strep throat but she forced the words out anyway.

Riven took the girl's hand and stood before brushing himself off. "Yeah, I'm fine. She's just a lot older than I am. She can really hand out punches." Riven chuckled as he looked over the young woman. She had a dark handprint marring her throat. It was a large bruise that she would have trouble trying to hide. He reached out to her and softly brushed his fingers along her throat where she had been hurt. "I don't think you're going to get much training today, I'm sorry. When Kat gets like this it can go on for days. I'll have to bring you back another time." The God paused for a moment as he looked from her throat up to her beautiful green eyes. "If you come with me I can fix that for you. I'll have to shadow walk again though." Riven warned the girl.

Reine nodded in response, she didn't even need to think twice about it. Her throat was hurting so bad she didn't even want to speak. "Where are we going?" The girl whispered as she forced the words off her tongue.

"Well..." Riven began as he placed his hand on the small of her back. "You're going back to your house for a moment while I grab something from my place. I'm afraid if you drink or eat here you'll end up with the same fate if not worse as your mother. I'd like to avoid that wouldn't you?"

Rae nodded once more, this time avoiding speaking all together. She did have questions though. What fate did her mother end up with? Why wouldn't she be able to leave this place if she ate or drank something? She knew she would have to wait to find out answers until she could speak properly. However, she decided right then that she would visit the library sometime soon and check out some books on Greek mythology. She needed to get an idea of what she was dealing with. "Are you ready to go?" Riven asked, drawing Reine away from the reverie of thoughts.

"Yeah." Reine said in a hoarse whisper.

Riven moved his hand from the small of her back and wrapped his arm around her waist. Before she could even come up with another thought, shadows were engulfing them and in a blink of an eye the couple dissipated from Hekates abode. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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