9. One More Try

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After me and Robert had done the deed, we sat down on the sofa, I wanted to have an adult conversation with him. Maybe, this is what happens when two people still love each other. There must be a reason for sex to happen, it don't just happen casually does it?

"Shall we give this relationship another go?" I asked
Robert's face lit up, like a child getting candy, I've never seen him this excited before.
"Yes, I'm willing to try. But I wouldn't move back in until you're comfortable" Robert replied
"Of course, if this relationship doesn't work. You will have to leave me alone, as well as, letting me move on" I begged
"I will, I promise. It's hard to stay away from you, I've never stopped loving you Kat" Robert cried

Robert cupped my cheek in his hand, I started to blush, even though it's been 4 years, he still knew how to make me blush. I started deleting all the dating apps off my phone, so did Robert. We started to watch movies, until later on, Robert got a phone call.

-Beep Beep-


"Hello" Robert answered
"Yes of course, I'll meet you for dinner. See you soon, bye" Robert replied
-Call Ended-
I wonder who that was, it best not be Casey, I won't be happy if it is.
Robert walked towards me, kissed me on my forehead, whilst getting his shoes on.
"Sorry babe, going out to dinner with a friend" Robert cried
"Okay, have fun" I replied
Robert grabbed his car keys, his phone, besides, his wallet. He opened the front door, whilst closing it behind him.

I had a bad feeling about this, especially when Robert said I'm going out to dinner with a "friend", Robert has never mentioned any of his friends. I'm going to follow him, fuck it! I grab my car keys, my phone, then head towards the front door.
I open it, peak my head round the door to see if Robert had gone, the coast is clear.

I close my front door behind me, I plodded off down the steps, whilst heading towards my car. I step into the drivers seat, I put my seatbelt on, put the keys into the ignition, turn it, then off I drive.
I keep following Robert's car. After 10 minutes of playing kiss chase, Robert stops at a fancy restaurant.

I wait for Robert to park up, as I wait across the street, to see who he is meeting. I saw Robert walk up to a women, who had blonde hair, slim build, is that who I think it is?
It's Miah, no fucking way! She looks different. What could go wrong? They're cousins, nothing will happen. I feel like such an idiot, thinking it was Casey, when all along it was Miah.

I start the car up, I head towards home, I arrive home. I park up, unbuckle my seat belt, grab my keys, whilst hopping out. I close the door behind me, then lock the car. I start to plod up the steps, I unlock my front door, as well as, opening it. I closed the door behind me, all I kept thinking was why am I such an idiot?

-Dialling Millie-
-Beep Beep-

"Hello Kat, you okay?" Millie asked
"Yes I'm ok, how's dad?" I asked
"Yes he is ok, he's eating dinner" Millie cried
"Aw good, is he enjoying himself?" I asked
"Yes he's fine, he played with Charlie and Riley this morning. He couldn't play with Lilly, as she was having a nap" Millie responded
"Aw that's good, did he say when he's coming back here?" I asked
"No not yet, he's spending time with his grandchildren. He hasn't seen them for over
a year, give him a chance" Millie cried
"Alright, keep your wig on" I replied
"No just because you don't have any kids, don't mean to say he can't stay longer" Millie replied
"I would've had a child, but sadly, the baby died remember?" I asked
"I'm sorry Kat, I didn't mean it" Millie replied
-Call Ended-


What is Millie's problem? I only asked if my dad was coming round, I can't even ask.
She didn't need to bite my head off, I didn't know whether to cry because she's just started on me without reason. Or to laugh it off.
Unexpectedly, I got sent an unknown message, the girl was called Amber.

I texted Amber, "do I know you?" I hope it's not another person, Robert has fucked. I would be livid.
-Ping- Amber texted me: "I know you, you know me too" I texted back: "who are you?"
I wanted to ask Robert who Amber was, but I didn't want to make accusations, I'm not that type of person.


"That's for me to know, and you to find out"
"Stop texting me" I messaged back
What does this person want? It's starting to sound like a stalker, this isn't good.
Unexpectedly, I heard a knock on my door. I was shitting myself. I walked towards the door slowly, I looked through the peephole.

It was somebody in a black hoodie, it was over there head covering there face. It looked like the grim reaper visiting me, they was wearing blue skinny jeans, with white trainers. I was scared to death.
Suddenly, I heard knocking again, I walked back towards the door.

I looked through the peephole, it was the same hooded figure, I took a deep breath.
I opened the door slowly, I poked my head around the door, I gulped at least a thousand times.
My heart was pounding, my breathing was rapid, I widened my eyes.

"Who are you?" I begged
"Amber" she cried
"I don't know you, please leave" I replied
"Why do you want me to leave?" Amber asked
"Because I don't know you, this is fucking creepy. I'm ringing the police" I replied
"Wait!" Amber yelled
Amber took her hoodie off her head, my eyes began to widen even more, oh my god!

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