13. Accusations

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"I would say yes Robert, but I think we need to work on us" I cried
"Is there somebody else?" Robert asked
I looked at him with a frown, what the fuck is he on about? Does he hear himself?
I began to laugh, not because it was funny, but to have the nerve and ask if I was seeing somebody else, that pissed me off.
"Really? No there is nobody else, why would you ask something like that?" I ask
Robert looked down at the floor, looked at me, then took a deep breath.
"Do you trust me?" I ask
"No, I don't" Robert cried
"Then there is no us then" I cried
It hurt me to say it, but is there love without trust? It kills me to admit it, but there isn't.
Robert exited the shop, I carried on with painting my shop, what a cheek Robert asking me if there was somebody else.

It was over between us now, I wasn't going to focus on any men, I'm going to focus on running my business.
As soon as, it's up and running, I'll maybe think about it.
I grabbed my keys, all my belongings, I walked out of the shop, locking the door behind me.
Suddenly, I heard breathing behind me, I turned around.
It was my friend from school, his name was Jaxon, he took me by surprise.
He had tanned skin, brown hazel eyes, muscular, brown hair, as well as wearing a suit.
"Hey Jaxon, it's been a while" I cried
"It has been Katie, you still with Robert?" Jaxon asked
"No, I'm happily single" I explain
"Sorry to hear that" Jaxon cried
"It's fine, maybe we can go out to dinner tomorrow tonight" I ask
"Yes of course, what time?" Jaxon asked
"Around 6, is that ok?" I ask
"Yes, of course. I'll see you there" I cried


I opened my car door, I hopped in, placed my belongings next to me.
I put my seatbelt on, I put the key into the ignition, I began to drive home.
Finally, I arrived home, it's been a long day.
I took my seat belt off, grabbed my keys, plus my belongings.
I locked my car, I put the key into the lock, turned it then walked inside.
I locked the door behind me, I placed all my belongings onto the table, I got undressed.
I walked towards the bathroom, to have a quick shower, I felt the hot water sizzle on my body.

I thought of all the memories, when me and Robert was in the shower together, the way we would passionately kiss in the shower. The way he had me up against the wall, trying to make out that my body belonged to him, but it didn't.
Not anymore, at least.
The fact that him not trusting me, broke my heart. It tore me in two, how am I going to get over this?
I wanted him, but It's not going to work, all we do is go round and round in circles. It's not fair on both of us.
I decided to shave, I wore black skinny jeans, my blue thrilly top, my black boots, my black leather jacket.
I grabbed my belongings, I walked towards a club, it was called Desire&Lust.
It looked quite inviting, with it's rainbow coloured club signs, it looked cool.

I walked into the bar, I ordered a purple rain cocktail, I sat down and found a booth.
Unexpectedly, Miah walked into the bar, what the fuck does she want?
Miah sat in front of me, I looked up at her, with my arms crossed.
"What do you want?" I ask
"You like upsetting my cousin don't you?" Miah
"Don't act dumb Miah, he isn't your cousin. You've been fucking him, I know people around here" I cried
Miah looked shocked, I decided to play the fool, to fool the fool, who think they're fooling you.

"You only just found out?" Miah asked
"No, I found out ages ago Miah. Then your so called "cousin", has the audacity to ask if I'm seeing somebody else. So go fuck your self Miah, you take every man I go out with. You're nothing but a local bike" I cried
Miah got up, whilst heading towards the door, it hurt me knowing Miah was shagging Robert all along.
But then I shouldn't be shocked, she fucked my ex Derek, so her shagging Robert comes as no surprise.
I walk towards the bar, I ordered another cocktail, I needed a drink as well as, calming myself down.
The bartender was staring at me, whilst he was cleaning a glass, what was he staring at?
"Can I help you?" I ask
"I think you're very beautiful" he cried
My heart began to melt, I still kept my guard up, I didn't want any other man shattering my heart.
I've only just pieced myself back together again, that took me 4 years to do that, it wasn't easy.

"Thank you" I smile
"Can I have your number?" He asked
"Not so fast" I cried
The bartender smirked, I didn't know whether he smirked because I amused him, or the fact that I rejected him.
I strode outside, I needed some air, the thought of Miah and Robert hooking up made me feel sick.
I decided to walk home, I just wanted to be on my own, I had enough of getting walked all over. I couldn't take it anymore, hopefully the dinner with Jaxon will go well, I hadn't seen him for a while.
I got to my front door, put my key into the lock, opened it, then headed inside closing the door behind me.
I saw a figure laying on my sofa, it was dad, blood was dripping from his mouth.
I looked over at his hand, he had a needle in it, what the fuck is going on?
I swear if this is Miah or Robert's doing, I will kill them myself.
"DAD!!!" I screamed

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