24. 1 Man Down

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Sunday- 6pm

We all got into our cars, on nights like these, I take my black Range Rover.
I gave everybody an earpiece, as well as, a walkie- talkie.
Teddy was sat next to me, the smell of his cologne, was beginning to intoxicate me.
He smelled good, why am I thinking about him for?
I decided to think about other things.
I cannot have any fuck ups tonight, we could get ambushed or anything, that's why I've called for back up, they're on stand by.
We arrive at the warehouse, something is wrong, it's too quite.
"Back up shooters, come closer" I call
I go into the building first, it was my duty to, I will die with the mafia.
I strode into the building quietly, we all checked the building, we heard voices near by.
I walked closer and closer, "enemies in the building, enter", back up shooters surround the building but keep out of sight" I cried

I start to shoot at them one by one, their bodies scattered the floor, I go further into the warehouse.
I hear voices again, I go closer and closer, I shoot them at every angle.
"All clear boss"
"Go near your exits, start making the bomb" I call
We strode nearer to the exit, we plant bombs, "everyone out now!" I call
We all run out of the building, still being aware of our surroundings, "check everywhere, to make sure they aren't surrounding us" I call
Tia carried out Psycho, he got shot, my blood started to boil.
"Tia get Psycho to a hospital, Zeek go with them"
They both nod, the back up snipers, have set traps. We haven't heard them yet, we all crouch down in the grass, we hear noises near by.
"Everybody listen to me, 5 of you hide behind the cars, us lot will go behind the building" I call
We get into position, suddenly I hear voices, "they're heading our way".
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10!
"Now!" I shout
We all come out of our position, shots were fired in all different directions, that wiped out the Turkish mafia once an for all.

"Move out" I call
We all get into our cars, we start to drive off, me and Teddy head towards the hospital.
We arrived, I hopped out of the car, I lock my car door.
We run into the hospital, we saw the receptionist, "what room is Chris Luzenka in please?" I ask
"Room 30"
I thanked the woman, we ran to his room, he was still having surgery.
Tia was in tears, did Psycho and her have a thing together?
"How is he?" I ask
"He was very lucky, the bullet missed his heart" Tia cried
Panic over! I didn't want to lose any of my soldiers, Psycho was my second in command, Teddy was my right hand man.
I walk over to Tia, I hug her tightly, me and her don't see eye to eye.
But you could tell she loved him, I know what that's like, to love somebody and lose them.
I let go, but Tia cried more and more, "Zeek you can go, you've done well, stay safe" I reply
"Thank you boss! Stay safe too" Zeek cried
"Teddy?" I ask
"Yes mam?" Ted asked
"Could you call everybody, tell them to come in at 1 instead of 7 please?" I ask

Teddy nods, he begins to ring everybody, I sit down with Tia supporting her.
"You can go home Tia, I'll stay here" I said
"I can't leave him, I just can't" Tia said
"Okay Tia, report back to me ok? Secondly, have a couple days of, come back on Wednesday" I cried
I dial Larissa:
Larissa: Hi boss, you okay?
Me: Hi L, I'm good thank you! You okay?
Larisa: Yes I'm cool
Me: Could you stay with Tia for the night please? Psycho got shot, Tia is in bits. Could you get Fred here too please? I'll see you both Wednesday.
Larisa: Will do boss, oooh thank you, 2 days off nice! You're the best, bye
Me: bye L, take care
-Call Ended-
"Larisa and Fred are on there way, they will sit with you ok?" I ask
"Thank you boss" Tia smiled
-30 minutes later-
Fred and Larisa arrive, they enter the building, "protect the room with your life, do not let anybody in without I.D, look after Tia. Understood?" I ask
"Yes boss!" They chant

I leave the hospital with Teddy, I drop him off home, I arrive at my house.
It's currently 8pm, I am knackered, I'm surprised I can function right now.
I unbuckle my seat belt, hop out of the car, shut the door, whilst grabbing my belongings.
I lock it, I enter my house, I shut the door behind me.
Suddenly, I heard my phone beep, who is that?
It's a text message: Hi boss, I've ordered you a Chinese, enjoy! Ted x
He's so sweet, I grab a bottle of wine out of my fridge, I fill my glass up.
-Ding Dong-
I scurry to the door, I grab my food, while I tip him $10.
I closed the door, I plate all my Chinese up, I sit in front of the fire with; my glass of wine, Chinese.
I texted Teddy back: Thank you for the Chinese! You didn't have too, I hope you brought yourself one. X

I was full up, I began to wash up my; glass, plate utensils.
I lock all my doors, put my curtains down, whilst heading to bed.
I was tired as anything, suddenly, I hear my phone go off: Psycho is out of surgery, he's resting, I'm off home. Fred & Larisa are there, see you Wednesday, thank you for your support boss!
That's cute, we started off as not liking each other, now she's staring to warm up to me.
Maybe, she needed time to do that, after all, my dad did rule New York since he was 19.
He was 60, when he passed away, god rest his soul.
I text back: That's okay T, stay safe & take care! That is brilliant news, I'm so glad he's okay. Night, see you Wednesday.

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