16. The Unknown

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After 21 years, I now understood where dad was from, why mum and him argued half the time.
After 21 years of research, I now know why, why he trained me to fight. Why he taught me how to use a gun.
He didn't teach Millie, she didn't want to be a part of it, she was more like my mum.
I was like my dad, I was fearless, brave, I always have stood my ground.
I learnt that my dad was apart of the New York Mafia, not just there right hand man, but he was the boss.
Maybe, New York is the best option for me, I mean there is nothing keeping me here.
I've seen too much, heard too much, cried too much. Besides, the New York Mafia has always said to me, if I need somewhere to go, I'm always welcome.
They've all known me since I was little, they should remember me now, right?

I'm not going to rush into this decision, I'm going to visit New York first, I need their permission.
My dad has always said, if you need a place to stay or live, go to New York.
I logged onto my laptop, I booked a last minute flight, I will have to drive to the airport at 10 tonight.
I think I need time away from Robert, do I still love him? YES.
But this is something I needed to do on my own, I booked a hotel in New York too, I did have a couple of friends out there as well.
Their names were Sasha, Amber, & Kaden, I knew them since school, I was originally from New York.
After my mum and dad split, we moved to California, started fresh in a different state.

I decided to start packing a suitcase, It wasn't that long ago, that I visited Teddy.
Teddy is my dad's right hand man, he should be in charge right now, he will be devastated about my dad.
I decided to have a shower, I washed my hair, I shaved like no tomorrow.
I got out of the shower, dried myself off, then slid into a comfy tracksuit.
Shall I text Robert, before I leave Folkestone? Or shall I leave it?
I mean he doesn't have to know, does he? We aren't together.
I think it's about time, I started to focus on myself, not other people.
It was 3 in the afternoon already, suddenly, I heard an unexpected knock.
I opened the door slowly, it was the police, what has happened now?

"Hi Miss.Roland, how are you holding up?" the woman asked
"Good, thank you" I smiled
I let them both in, I closed the front door, I sat down In front of them.
"Would you like a drink or anything?" I ask
"No thank you dear, now we have some important information to tell you" the woman cried
I nodded, I began to take deep breaths, to prepare myself for the worst.
"Miah didn't kill your dad, but we have somebody in custody now, we got the wrong person" the woman said
Miah didn't kill my dad? Well, who did then? I want answers, I had a bad feeling, should I trust my gut instinct?
"Who is it then?" I ask
"Millie Roland" the woman cried
Why did she kill him?
Unless somebody is setting her up, why would they though? She has 3 beautiful children.
I was speechless, why would my own sister kill him for? Is she mentally unstable?

"Sorry, I know it's a lot to take in, but she has been arrested. She is being put on trial" the woman cried
The two police woman began to exit the building, as they went to open the door and leave, Robert walked in.
Robert shut the door behind him, he sat down next to me, I didn't even make eye contact.
I was just left speechless, as well as, heartbroken.
"You okay Kat?" Robert asked
I looked at him, there I was blaming Miah for all of this, I guess I got caught up in my own emotions, I was looking for somebody else to blame.
"No, I'm not okay" I cried
"What's happened?" Robert asked
I looked at him, words were unable to come out of my mouth, can't something good happen to me for once?
"The person is in jail, they caught my dad's killer after all" I cried
Calling my sister a "killer", wasn't something I dreamed of calling her, now I fucking hate her.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Robert asked
If only he knew, my chest was hurting from all the anger what had consumed me, I was livid.
I wanted to scream, but what good is that going to do me?
"Well, it's not if it's your sister" I said
Robert's face went from happy to a what the fuck look, in a matter of seconds.
"So you sat there, as well as, blaming Miah for killing your dad. When it was your sister all along" Robert cried
Is he being fucking for real? The least he could was fucking support me! Instead of bringing Miah up, whilst defending her.
"Well, as I said, I didn't fucking put her there did I? Stop fucking defending her in front of me, she's not
my fucking friend, never will be!" I yelled
"Is somebody jealous because Miah has me?" Robert asked

"No, I'm not fucking jealous, so get your shit and get the fuck out! She's a really loyal wife, cheating on her husband with you. You both don't have any fucking morals" I screamed
Robert exited my house, I don't know what is his problem is, but I'm finally moving on.
I know I keep saying it, but I truly am, I'm going to start putting myself first for once.
I hope Millie gets what's coming to her, I can make one phone call, then I'll become her worst fucking-

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