6. Haunt Me👻

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"Are you going to tell Casey about us?" I asked
"No? She's just a friend" Robert cried
"So you've not slept with her then?" I begged
I didn't really want to ask that question, we both know that Robert has slept with every women in the continent.
Robert looked at me with a frown, then looked at his phone, as well as, looking back at me.

"Yes, I did sleep with her. It was way before I met up with you again" Robert replied
I looked at him with disgust, why do I always do this to myself? Think he's changed, then he's back to doing his next pain in the ass thing?
Why do I even bother?
"Oh, nice. So you make love to me, then go back to Casey?" I begged
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" Robert cried
"You know what? I'm an absolute idiot, thinking you have changed. All you do is hurt people, I'm too good for you, you don't deserve me. Get out Robert!" I shouted
"I did change, I got out of my addiction to alcohol, I got out of it for you" Robert replied

"Just leave Robert, delete my number and everything, all you do is use women!" I yelled
"If I leave now, you won't see me again" Robert answered
"I've heard that before, now leave" I replied
Robert opened the front door, he went to look back at me, but instead he walked straight out.
Why do I do this myself?
Thinking he's changed, when I know for-well, he hasn't.


I decided to order a take away pizza, why the fuck not? I'm half wasted, I need something to lighten my mood.
Maybe, it's time to move on once an for all, get back into the dating world again.
I decided to re download my dating apps, I logged in, first person on my date list was Robert.
This is the first step to moving on, after all those years, how did I not manage to move on?
I still loved him, I still do, but this can't keep happening.
We're going round and round in circles, the arguments, the make up sex afterwards.

It's time to get over him, it's time to move on, I want children of my own as well. I'm not getting any younger anymore.
I decide to start swiping, oooh he's handsome I thought, I clicked the tick next to him.
Suddenly, I heard a ping, I went to my messages.
It was from a boy called Joe, he was tanned, green eyes, very muscular.
"Hey gorgeous"
How nice of him, I didn't really want to talk to him while in this state, so I kindly said:
"Hi there, looking handsome. I'll message you tomorrow, I'm a bit drunk".

"Looking forward to it sexy"
I know what he's trying to get at, he's not getting any, I'm not in the mood for sex right now.
Unexpectedly, I heard a knock at the door, what the fuck is going on?
I grabbed my baseball bat, whilst chucking on some shorts, I open my front door slowly.
Oh My Fucking God!
I dropped the baseball bat, in the state of shock, this is a dream isn't it?
No fucking way! Is this a dream? Am I dreaming?
Am I going mental?

I couldn't find the words to speak, I didn't know what to say, my eyes blinked a thousand times.
My heart started to pound, my breathing became heavier, I thought I was having a panic attack.
"D-d-dad?" I asked
He's not alive, it's a ghost, he's not real.
I started to pace up and down my living room, I started to panic, I couldn't control my breathing.
"You're not alive, you're dead. I'm dreaming, I'm not going insane, am I?" I panicked
Dad walked in, closed the door, whilst walking towards me.

"You're dead, you're not alive. I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy" I cried still panicking
Dad grabbed my arms firmly, he sat me down at the table, whilst looking at me.
"I'm real, I'm alive, breathe Kat" dad cried
Tears started to stream down my face, I couldn't contain the joy what was building up inside of me, I realised he was real.
"Don't cry honey" dad said
"I-I buried you a year ago, how are you still alive?" I asked
"The telegram they sent you to say I had died, should've said missing in action, not killed in action" dad replied
"All this time, I thought you were dead, I-I buried you" I cried

"They got it wrong honey, I got shot at, then I was saved. After that, I hopped on to a boat, to come looking for you" dad cried
"How did you find me?" I asked
"Let's just say, I have connections" dad replied
"I've wanted this moment more than anything, the minute I thought you were dead, I couldn't handle it. I wasn't myself for a long time, I tried being strong" I cried
Dad tilted my chin up, whilst cupping my cheek in his hand, he looked into my eyes.
"You're one of the strongest people I know, you and Millie are the best thing that's ever happened to me, I would kill for you! The one thing I cherish, is that I have two beautiful daughters" dad replied

Tears started to fall down my face, I couldn't believe after all this time, I finally had somebody to talk to.
"How is your mum and Millie?" Dad begged
"You don't know?" I asked
Dad looked at me with a frown, then his facial expression changed to serious, as well as, shocked.
"Mum is dead, Millie is alive and well, she lives in Hastings with her 3 children and husband" I cried
"Who killed your mum?" Dad asked
"Niall did" I cried
"I'll kill him" Dad replied
"Dad, he's in prison..."

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