12. Forgive Or Forget?

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"Why did you think I done coke?" Robert asked
"I thought that's what I saw, I trust you. It's Miah, I don't trust" I cried
I've never trusted Miah, not even with my life. She has betrayed me in so many ways, I've lost count.
"Well, if you're dating me. You've got to learn to be civil and get along. Can you do that?" Robert asked
Is he really asking me to forgive Miah? She slept with my ex, she humiliated me at a friend's party, she framed me with the police.
"I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen. You see, she's done a lot of unforgivable shit to me. I'm not willing to let that slide" I cried

"That means we're done then?" Robert asked
He's saying it's over, because I'm not forgiving Miah, what the hell is his problem?
"Okay, we're done then" I replied
I tried to act confident, bold, as well as, trying to not let his words get the better of me.
Robert walked towards the door, looked back at me, then sighed.
The minute he left, tears streamed down my face, I couldn't contain them any longer.
You know what, fuck him! I don't need him.
I grabbed my belongings, such as; keys, purse, money.
I walked towards the front door, opened it, then shut it behind me.

I strode towards my car, unlocked it, opened it.
I sat in the drivers seat, I placed my bag into the passenger seat, I put my seatbelt on.
I closed my car door, off I drove to my shop, I needed to de stress myself.
10 minutes later, I arrived at my shop, I took my seatbelt off.
I grabbed my belongings, opened the car door, as well as, locking it behind me.
I grabbed my key out of my bag, then opened the door, then slowly walked in.
I shut the door behind me, I placed my belongings on an old wooden table, what had been left here from the previous owner.


I started to paint the walls, a nice lilac colour, because that was my favourite colour.
Meanwhile, back at Robert's house, chatting with Miah.
Robert narrating:
I unbuckled my seat belt, opened the car door, whilst slamming it shut behind me.
I grabbed my keys out of my trouser pocket, I tried finding the key hole, at last I found it.
I opened the front door, whilst walking into the front room, I sat down next to Miah.
"You didn't tell her, did you?" Miah asked
"No, I fucked it up Miah, I just called it quits because she hasn't forgiven you" I cried
Miah threw a pillow at my head, I was shocked at the reaction she gave me, I was sat there scratching my head.
"Kat isn't going to forgive me Rob, I did a lot of unforgivable things to her, I didn't deserve her as a best friend. Don't make her be civil with me, just to make your relationship work. You made it work for 4 years, didn't you? What's stopping you?" Miah asked

I thought for a moment, Miah is right, I fucked up big time.
This was on me, I made a mistake, I had to fix it.
I made a relationship work for 4 years, then I turned into an alcoholic, which made me say some pretty mean things to Kat.
But I worked on myself, I quit alcohol and smoking altogether, I attended counselling to fix myself.
I've not touched a drop of alcohol, over a year now, good things are heading my way.
I've started my very own business, I'm staying in a small flat away from Kat, so we don't bump into each other as much.
After 4 years, I still loved her, she was there for me through everything.
She was the one thing that held me together, even when her world was falling a apart, she made me whole.
I tracked her phone, she's at her shop, I've gotta fix this.

"Miah, I'm going to fix this, I'll be back soon" I cried
"Go get her tiger" Miah replied
Back to Katie:
I've finished one wall, I've gotta finish another 3, painting these walls take me back to when me and Robert was decorating the house together.
It reminds me of so many memories; me and Robert having a paint fight, then having to scrub it all off in the shower together, making love where we had the paint fight.
I can feel my heart making a warm fuzzy feeling, even the thought of us together, butterflies are created in my stomach.
Even after 4 years of madness, I still loved him, I won't stop.
Suddenly, I heard a knock on my shop door, who could that be?

I raised the blinds, so I could see who it was, it was Robert. I thought he said we were done?
I opened the door, I closed it, then pulled the blinds back down.
I crossed my arms, I was still pissed off with him, he knew how to push my buttons.
"I'm sorry for saying that you should forgive Miah, that was wrong of me, but I do love you Katie" Robert cried
A smile started to appear on my face, all those years ago, when I first met him, he's still handsome as he was then.
"I want to be with you for the rest of my life, I would move from heaven to Earth, just to be with you. I want to grow old with you Katie, if you'll have me back that is" Robert said
"If you break up with me again, that will be us over for good, you got that?" I asked
"Yes mam, I've got that. I've got another question for you" Robert answered
"What's that?" I asked

Robert reached around to his back pocket, then got down on one knee, OH MY GOD!
"Miss.Roland, will you marry me?"

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