18. Something Like That

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I sat in front of Teddy, for what felt like hours, I watched a man so fearless shatter into pieces.
He fell to the floor, hands over his face, covering his tears.
I strode over, I hugged him tightly, I didn't let go.
People like us, need to stick together, so we can get through this.
I held my tears back, I felt like if I didn't, I was weak.
In the mafia world, we cannot show our feelings, we have to learn to hold it all back.
We cannot walk into a dangerous situation, thinking with our emotions, it complicates things.
I watched Teddy pick himself back up, countless battles he has fought, 10 years later he's still here.
"How did he die?" Teddy asked wiping the last remainder of tears.
"I don't know, I found him dead in my house" I cried
"I'm sorry, how did you not cry? I did, I've been in the mafia for years" Teddy said
"I wanted to, but I held it back, like I've been taught too" I replied
"Now that your dad is gone, you're meant to be in charge" Teddy cried
"Not me, Millie is meant to be. But she's been charged with my dad's death" I answered
Teddy looked at me, then looked at the floor, his face looked shocked.

He wasn't expecting that, I weren't either, but it is what it is.
Could I really take over the Mafia?
Could I be a criminal?
A killer?
"So you're next in line" Teddy said
"I don't think I can do it, I'm not built for this" I replied
"No? Your dad thought so" Teddy answered
"Can I have a trial?" I asked
"Of course" Teddy smiled
I thanked him, could I really take over? What about Robert? Why am I thinking about him for?
He has made his bed, let him fucking lie in it, time to move on.
"Can I meet the team?" I asked
Teddy nodded, we walked towards the lift, Teddy pressed floor 3.
We had arrived on floor 3, I walked through 10 offices, amongst 30 people.
They all just stopped what they were doing, stared at me, they all looked shocked.
I walked into the office where 30 people were either; hacking, tracking, or making shipments.

"Who are you? Get out!" A voice shouted
I strode over towards him, I was now in his face, my blood began to boil, who is he talking to?
"Who the fuck are you speaking to?" I asked
He looked at me, frowned, he instantly saw Teddy in the doorway, then looked back at me.
"Who are you?" A voice asked
"Katie Roland" I replied
He looked shocked, he was in so much shock, he dropped his papers on to the floor.
"Don't talk to me like that again, otherwise you'll suffer the consequences" I said
The man nodded, whilst collecting his papers, he hurried out of the office.
I looked at the board in front of me, many shipments have been missing, I needed to find out what is going on.
Am I really doing this? I felt like a bad ass.
"People tell me what's going on, let's go" I cried
"As you can see, there is missing shipments. The Turkish mafia is trying to form an alliance with the Russian mafia, we're the target" Psycho said

Okay Katie, think logical. What would your father do?
"Okay, we form an alliance with the Spanish mafia. Somebody get CCTV of who is behind the missing shipments. Talk to the Russian mafia also, try and cooperate to make a deal with us" I explained
Everybody nodded, I clapped my hands at them, did I just act bossy?
I'm not like this, but this is the reason why my dad trained me for all those years, I still am training, as well as, shooting at the range.
My dad said I was one of the best snipers, whether I was his daughter or not, R.I.P dad.
It was a text message from Robert, what does he want now? Fucking men!
-Incoming Call-
Phone call:
Me: Hello Robert, what's wrong?
Robert: Where are you?
Me: In New York, why?
Robert: Why are you up there for?
Me: Handling Business
Robert: Who are you with?
Me: Dad's friend, why?
Robert: What business you taking care of?
Me: Just paper work, what is my dad's
Robert: I know you're lying
Me: Just fuck off Robert
-Call Ended-

"Boy trouble?" Teddy asked
"Yes, something like that. Nothing I can't handle" I cried
"You remind so much of your dad, impressive work in there" Teddy said
It was an honor to work alongside my dad's friend, Teddy has known me since I was a little girl, he taught me hacking, tracking etc.
A man stumbled towards me, he was carrying important paperwork, I wonder what it could be.
"Hi again, so we've decided to cooperate with Russia. There is a problem" Psycho said
"What's the problem?" I asked
"They want your hand in marriage" Psycho cried
"Thank you Psycho, we'll done. Keep CCTV on shipments and the Turkish mafia" I cried
Hand in marriage? Ffs! Who am I marrying? My cousins adopted dad?
(In the Pure Bliss Story what I've written on Watt-pad, Katie & Violet are cousins).
If I have to, I have to right?
Keep my team members safe, what is Robert going to think or say?
Actually, fuck him, he's not worth my time. It's about time, I settle down, maybe this is my only way out.

"Psycho!" I shouted
"Yes?" Psycho cried
"Hand in marriage, say yes to it please. Arrange a meeting" I said
"Yes mam" Psycho cried
"Are you ready for marriage?" Teddy asked
"This isn't about me Ted, it's about protecting my people" I cried
Teddy nodded and smiled, did he think I'm fucking crazy? 100% fucking yes!
Denise walked towards me, she looked worried, fear was written across her face.
"I've got a location on the Turkish mafia" Denise said
"Where?" I asked

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