11. Trust Issues

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After meeting Cassidy, as well as now owning my own business.
I'm going to celebrate tonight, on my way home, I grabbed a couple bottles of wine.
I decided to give Millie a call, to see if they wanted to come down, especially, my dad.
-Dialing Millie-
-Beep Beep-
"Hello Millie, you okay?" I asked
"Hi Katie, yes I'm okay. How about you?" Millie begged
"I'm okay, are you lot coming down? I now own my own business. I want to celebrate" I replied
"Awe well done Katie, dad isn't feeling well. So we won't be able too" Millie answered
"That's okay, Harry can look after him. You and the kids can come down" I replied
"No, we don't feel like it" Millie answered
"Oh right, don't want to celebrate with your sibling. Dad can come back to mine too" I replied
"You've had your time with him, don't be selfish" Millie cried
"He's spent 2-3 days at mine, he's spent a month nearly at yours" I replied
"You've only got a 1 bedroom house, our house is bigger for him. Plus, we can take care of him, because we're financially secure" Millie answered
"So you're saying I'm not financially stable? I'm sorry Millie we can't all be rich like fucking you, fuck off!" I shouted

-Call Ended-

What the fuck is her problem? "We're financially secure", I'm financially secure. I've got a business online of my own.
Just because I have a flat, don't mean I cannot buy a sofa bed for him, I'll make room for him.
I'm his next of kin, I bet he isn't even ill, she's lying!
My blood is boiling at the thought of her being up her own arse. Harry owns his own business? So what, I'm going to own my business too, just you wait and see.
I texted Robert, just to have a little catch up, besides I'm meant to be celebrating.

Hey Robert, wanna come over at 6:30 tonight? X
Usually, he messages me back straight away, clearly he's working.
Shall I go to his and check on him? Or shall I leave him to it?
I have a very bad feeling brewing, my mum has always said trust your gut instincts, sometimes they lie, sometimes they don't.
I grab my keys, phone, as well as my purse.
I open the front door, quickly closing it behind me, I plodded down the steps.
I unlock my car door, open the door, sit in the drivers seat.
I place my seat belt around me, I place my belongings next to me, off I drove to his temporary flat.


I arrived at his flat, I unbuckle my seat belt, open the car door, grab my things.
I lock my car, then quickly plod up the steps, I get to his flat.
I knock on the door, suddenly, Robert opened the door.
I felt something sneaky going on, what the fuck is going on?
Robert looked shocked I was here, is he hiding something? I swear, I'll go crazy.
I barge the front door open, I walk inside, there stood before me was Miah.
What is she doing here? I look down at the coffee table, I saw coke laid out on the table.

I turned around looking at Robert, my blood began to boil, my breathing became heavier.
"It's not what it looks like" Robert cried
"Are you taking the piss? Why are you taking coke for?" I asked
" I take it every now and again, to escape reality. I haven't been right these past couple of days" Robert joked
Robert went to hug me, but I stepped back, instead I walked towards the door, whilst slamming it shut behind me.
I ran towards my car, unlocked it, whilst placing my belongings next to me.
I placed my seat belt on, off I drove back home, what the fuck is his issue?

Why the fuck didn't he tell me? I'm meant to be his girlfriend, he couldn't even tell me his problems.
Doesn't he trust me enough?
I can tell why he took it, because Miah is there, she's nothing but fucking trouble.
It's 15:00pm, I park up in front of my house, I unbuckle my seat belt.
I grab my things, whilst opening the car door, I close it behind me.
I lock it, then plod up the steps, I put my key into the lock.
I open my front door, slamming it behind me, I began to cry.

Everything is just falling a part, what the hell is wrong with people? I've had a lot of shit happen to me, don't mean we turn to coke.
He could've messaged me, rang me, came to visit.
I would've rather been there for him, than visit his own funeral, everybody was making arguments today.
I wasn't in the mood, I was pissed, I want to go mental.
But I choose not too, I remained calm, patient.
Unexpectedly, I heard a knock, it was Robert.
How did he get here so fast?

I opened the door slowly, I peeped my head round the door, my blood began to boil again.
"Can we talk?" Robert asked
"Miah isn't coming in, you can though" I cried
"That's okay, Miah isn't here. She's at mine" Robert answered
I let Robert in, I closed the door, I looked at him with my arms crossed.
"We're over Robert, if you're going to take that shit, we're done" I replied
Robert started to smirk, what is he smirking about? This isn't fucking funny.
"What's so funny?" I asked
"It was spilt sugar, I went to make Miah a cup of tea, it had a hole in the bag" Robert answered

At this point, I felt like a fucking idiot, I didn't mean to accuse him of the sort.
But Miah, she'd do anything, take drugs, get drunk.
Why do I always think the worst?
"I'm sorry Robert, I didn't think" I cried
"You think I'd do that? Seriously?" Robert asked
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to jump to conclusions" I replied
"Robert don't go, I love you, I'm sorry" I cried
"You don't trust me?" Robert asked
"Of course, I do"...

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