34. Her Karma

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I looked at the footage screen for hours, I didn't know what to think, I didn't want to talk to her.
She choose Niall over me, that's not something I cannot forgive easily, I didn't want nothing to do with her.
"Yes boss"
"Don't let her anywhere near me, got it?"
"Yes boss"
"Find out every single detail about her, why she is in New York"
"Yes boss"
I took a deep breath, she wasn't going to cause me no heartache, she wasn't going to go anywhere near my fucking daughter.
I'd kill her, I don't care, whether she is my mum or not, she died 3 years ago.
I looked at the screen one last time, before I exited the room, I knew deep down this had something to do with Violet.
I entered my office, I sat down, I couldn't even breathe.
I took deep breaths, to try and stay calm, nothing was working.
Suddenly, Fred walked in, "you okay boss?"
He rushed to my aid, "take deep breaths boss", Fred done them with me.
It was fair to say, I had a supportive team, they were my family.
I calmed down, "thank you Fred, have you got any information on the Russians yet?"
"Not yet boss, still working on it"
I nodded, Fred exited the room, I began typing away.
I got up, I grabbed a black board pen, I made a speech bubble.
I started writing down; why are the Russians trying to start a war with us? I jotted some ideas down.

1) Money
2) Power
3) Violets adopted family
4) Alliances with the Italians
5) Have we killed one of their people?
- Violet killed Riccardo, her adoptive mum, all of the Italian soldiers
6) Why would they come for me?
- Me & Violet are cousins
- Power
- Money
- The deal was off
- Revenge for Riccardo and his wife
Suddenly, I heard a knock, "come in".
Tia walked into my office, she didn't look happy, she looked pissed.
What's happened now? Who has pissed in Tia's cereal?
She looked cross, I felt in my gut, it was bad.
More bad news? Really? Don't I deserve some happiness for a change?
I nodded, I knew this wasn't going to be good, I tried my best to stay calm.
But it seemed, people love to test my fucking patience, I'm not in the mood for this shit.
"Your mum is in New York, because she is looking for you"
My mum look for me? Please, I didn't matter when I was 19 and moved away.
"Why is she looking for me?"
I didn't want to know the answer to that question, but it's tough, sometimes you've gotta face things head on.
"She thinks you're going to Millie's execution"
Execution? She fucking deserves it, she murdered our dad alongside Robert. Just to claim his fortune, she was jealous of me, she saw me as dad's favorite daughter.
She didn't want to join the mafia, she choose the army, where as, I learnt everything she did but with my dad as well as, a military associate.
"How is she alive Tia?"
I watched my mum laid up in a morgue, when I had recently moved to London, her cold; decaying, corpse was right in front of my eyes.
Millie wasn't there, only I was, I've been through so much shit on my own, I can pretty much handle anything.
"Violet put a spell on her, to make her look dead"
Suddenly, I heard a voice, "mam? You can't go in there!"

All my men, (including Tia & Teddy), stood in front of me.
It made my heart melt, knowing they would all risk their life for me, the woman entered the room.
"Where is she?"
I knew that voice from somewhere, do I have to deal with more shit, I was fucking pissed.
"It's okay guys, I'll be fine"
Teddy stayed with me, all the men, as well as, Tia exited the room.
There she was stood in front of me, looking down at me, I was livid.
My blood was boiling, I was ready to going into death mode, I was ready to kill.
"What do you want?"
She looked stunned at me, she and Millie were alike in so many ways, I was like my dad.
I had his temper, attitude, the way I looked at people; I had a resting bitch face.
"I've come here to tell you about Millie's execution"
"I already know, now you can leave"
I hated my mum with a passion, the minute she choose Niall over me, she only had 1 daughter from that day on.
If she is going to beg me to rescue her, I'm going to laugh, Millie was Mum's favorite daughter.
I cradled my stomach, mum went to touch it, I grabbed her hand as well as, pushing her away.
"You're pregnant?"
"What's it to you?"
My mum was very nosey, chatty, she did love my dad very much though.
When he used to walk into the room, she would smile, my dad used to wait for her every night.
Until, one night he gave up, because she didn't leave Niall.

My dad moved on, although he was in love with her, he decided to find his own happiness.
"Come on Kat, please don't hate me"
"I do hate you, now leave my office"
My mum stood there, arms crossed, she wore a frown.
"Do I have to get you escorted out of my building?"
Mum looked around shocked, she didn't know I was the boss, my life seemed to be going good, whilst hers and Millie's were going to shit.
"I need your help, I need you to help Millie"
She had some fucking nerve, coming in here after 3 years, who does she think she is?
"That's tough shit, she killed dad, alongside working with Robert. So I won't be helping anybody, now get the fuck out!"
"She's still your sister"
My blood began to boil, I wanted to shoot her, I wanted to hit her.
She isn't my sister, not by a long fucking shot! Fucking arsehole!
Tia entered the room, you could cut the tension in here with a knife, I've never wanted to kill somebody this bad before.
"Yes boss?"
"Get Denise, then get this woman out of my face, before I shoot her"
"Yes boss"
Tia exited the room, rage still consumed me, I was on a different level of anger.
"You wouldn't shoot me"
She laughed, I grabbed my gun, whilst I reloaded it.
"Still think I wouldn't?"
I was fucking crazy at this point, to the point where steam was coming out of my ears, she hadn't met crazy yet.
"No, you wouldn't dare"
I shot her in the leg, I didn't feel no remorse, gun powder filled the air.
I sat in front of her, smirking, whilst shaking due to the adrenaline running through my veins.
"Yes, I am"...

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