31. Blood & Sweat

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-The Next Day-

I got up, stretched, then walked towards the kitchen.
I made myself a green tea, Teddy looked healed already, he hasn't even been home a week yet.
I suppose he's used to getting shot, stabbed, or even shot at.
That's what happens when you join the mafia, you put your life on the line, because you want to protect your own.
For the past 2 months, I've been in the mafia, I've felt nothing but home.
They're my family, I'm willing to protect, I'm willing to die for the mafia.
As I'm making my tea, Teddy put something into the bin, I heard him shuffling in the bin.
Please don't find the test, please don't find it, please!
"Kat? What's this?" Teddy asked
I turned around, he was holding the test in his hand, how the fuck do I tell him?
"Is this a pregnancy test?" Teddy asked
I felt nauseous looking at it, words were unable to move from my mouth, I couldn't talk.
When I went to, I felt ill, why is this pregnancy beating my arse?

"Yes, it is a pregnancy test" I said
"Is it yours?" Teddy asked
"Well, who else's it going to be?" I asked
I was so close to laughing, but I couldn't, this was a serious moment.
"What does 2 lines mean?" Teddy asked
"I'm pregnant" I said
I just come out with it, don't men understand what two positive lines are?
"Really?" Teddy asked
His reaction took me by surprise, it was quite cute, this made me more comfortable with the pregnancy.
"Yes, you aren't going to leave me are you?" I asked
Teddy's facial expression turned to annoyed, in a matter of seconds, now I've pissed him off.
"Why would I leave you?" Teddy asked
I was so close to crying, but I held them back. I know it's not a good thing bottling up your emotions, but in the mafia you aren't allowed to feel anything.
"I thought because we've not been together long, that you'd leave, once you found I was pregnant" I said
Teddy cupped my cheeks In his hands, whilst placing his forehead against mine, "I'm never leaving you baby" Teddy cried
I had always thought, If my dad could leave me, anybody could.
That's how I thought, I'm glad Teddy reassured me, because this made me love him more.
"I know, I just thought because my dad left, that you would have" I said
Teddy kissed me on my forehead, looked at me, then kissed me.
"I'm not leaving baby, okay?" Teddy asked

I nodded, I can breathe now, I continued making my green tea.
While it was cooling down, I began to get dressed, I wore; black skinny's, black loafers, purple top, black blazer.
I started to brush my hair, I put my hair into a high ponytail, I began to put make up on.
After I had finished, I took a couple sips of tea, whilst I was rushing around placing things in my bag.
I seized my belongings, I opened the front door, while I shut it behind me.
I strode towards my car, I went to open it, when-
Teddy walked towards me, shutting my car door.
"Now that you're carrying my baby, you're not driving" Teddy cried
"You're bloody over dramatic" I said
"Now get your arse in my car" Teddy replied
I rolled my eyes, I know he was only being caring, but I'm a careful driver.
I locked my car, to save arguments, I hopped into the passenger side in Ted's car.
Teddy hopped into the car, placing his seatbelt on, "you're such a bloody woman" I cried
"I'm just keeping you both safe" Teddy replied
I shock my head, I put my seat belt on, whilst driving to work.
-30 minutes later-
We arrived outside the building, I unbuckled my seat belt, I got out of the car.
I headed towards the building, I strode towards the elevator, I pressed floor 3.
DING! I walked towards my office, set everything up.

I opened my laptop up, I looked on the shipments dates, we have one coming in at 1pm.
-Dialling Fred-
Fred: Hi boss, you okay?
Me: Yes Fred, I'm good thank you! How's Psycho?
Fred: He's healing very well, what's up?
Suddenly, I felt nauseous, oh no!
Me: Hold on Fred
Fred: Boss? you there? Boss?
I ran to the toilet, I quickly opened the toilet door, I began to vomit.
Why does morning sickness have to happen?
This is killing me, what's the point of eating, if you puke it up?
I got up, walked back towards my office, I drank some water, as well as, eating a load chewing gums.
Me: Sorry Fred, are you still there?
Fred: Is everything okay boss?
Me: I'm okay, could you do a shipment at 1pm today please?
Fred: Of course, just me or..?
Me: Take Lorenzo with you
Fred: Okay boss, stay safe
Me: You too both of you
-Call Ended-
Teddy rushed into my office, I felt so ill, "are you okay?" Teddy asked
"Teddy, I'm pregnant, I'm not disabled" I cried
Teddy looked at me, sweat dripped from my head, I was waving paper in my face.
"You don't look well, come on get in the car" Teddy cried
"What about the meeting?" I asked
"I'll do it, I am your right hand man" Teddy winked
Teddy grabbed my handbag, as well as, my belongings.
We headed towards the elevator, pressed ground floor, DING!
I headed into the car park, suddenly, we heard gun shots.
We hid behind a car, I grabbed my gun, I stood up shooting the men one by one.
They was shooting from every angle, I continued to shoot, I felt like a bad arse right now.
Teddy had my back, I seized my phone, I began to dial Denise.
-Dialling Denise-
Denise: Hey boss, you okay?
Me: Yes, I'm alright. You?
Denise: I'm good thank you boss, what's up?
Me: Could you grab Tia, Larisa, Zeek, Fabian, & Poppy please to guard the building?
Bring the back up crew too.
Denise: Of course boss, no problem
Me: Find out who has been shooting at us also, look on the CCTV
Denise: No worries, we're on our way
-Call Ended-

I looked around, looking for anymore shooters, "you okay Teddy?" I asked
Teddy looked up at me nodding, I checked him over, he didn't get shot.
Suddenly, I felt faint, I looked down.
There was blood coming from my stomach, my vision began to blur, I felt my eyes shutting.

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