29. Fix Them

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I walk up and down the hospital ward, waiting for answers, anything relating to Teddy.
I wanted him to be okay, I was starting to fall for him hard, I know it's only been two months, but he has made me happier in a matter of 2 months.
Suddenly, I saw a nurse approaching me, please god make sure he's okay, I beg.
She looked at me, down at the floor, then back up at me.
"Miss.Roland right?"
"Yes, is everything ok?" I ask
"Yes, everything is fine. You can go and see him if you like, he can't hear you, because he's asleep"
"Thank you" I replied
I walked into room 40, I saw Teddy laid up on the hospital bed, seeing him like this broke my heart.
I sat down beside him, tears started to form In my eyes, I grabbed Teddy's hand.
Please be okay, please come back to me, I would die for you right now, just for you to be alive.

-Beep Beep-
Me: Fred? What you got for me?
Fred: All their systems are hacked, the Italians are still currently in Russia. The Spanish mafia are coming over for a meeting Tuesday
Me: Good work! Keep an eye on them.
Fred: I will boss
Me: Could you and Lorenzo do the shipment tonight? Send Larisa and everyone home?
After the shipment, you and Lorenzo can go home too. Ask the back up crew to swap over with the others. The shipment is tomorrow at 5pm, see you later.
Fred: Bye boss

"Teddy? I've gotta handle some business, I'll be right back okay?" I said
I exited the room, I strode towards Zeek, "where is the man, who is hidden in the storage cupboard?" I ask
"Walk down the corridor to your left, I'll shoot at the security cameras" Zeek cried
I nodded, I walked down the hall, to my left, I found a door.
I opened it, whilst shutting the door behind me, I grabbed my gun out of my pocket.
The man was stood in the corner, he was tied up with rope, as well as duct tape on his mouth.
I sat in front of him, ripping the tape off his mouth, I looked at him with rage.
"Who are you working for?" I ask
He gave me no answer, I kicked him in his stomach, "WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR?!" I shouted
I took the duct tape back off, I'm one minute away from shooting his fucking arse, I placed the gun towards his head.
The man put his hands up, "I'm going to ask again, if you don't answer, I'll shoot.
He didn't answer again, I placed the duct tape over his mouth, I aimed at his head, I shot him in an instant.
The bad thing is, I felt no guilt, no feeling of sadness or shame.
I felt less pissed off, karma is a bitch, since the Russians want to start shooting my partner, I'll fucking kill them all.

-Dialling Fred-
Fred: Hi boss
Me: Have you done the shipment?
Fred: Yes boss, why what's up?
Me: Can you come and remove the body from the storage cupboard please?
Fred: Of course boss, on my way
-Call Ended-
I exited the storage cupboard, I placed the gun into my pocket, I locked the cupboard.
I walked back into room 40, I held Teddy's hand whilst sitting back down, suddenly, I heard a voice.
"K..K...Kat?" Teddy said
I rushed out the room, I seized a nurse, I had to step out of the room for a moment whilst they checked on him.
I walked over to Psycho's room, he was still attached to the breathing machine, Psycho please stay alive, you're my second in command. Nobody could ever replace you, we need you.
Unexpectedly, Psycho's monitor was beeping, "nurse quickly, he needs you" I said
They all rushed into the room, please save him, he's one of my best soldiers.
One of the nurses came out, she looked sad, my heart began to race.
Don't you say he's fucking dead! Don't fucking say it, DON'T!

I turned around, looking at her, I've never felt so broken.
"He made it, he's awake"
I fell to my knees, thank you, thank fucking god! I got up, I looked at the room, his eyes were open.
He was looking straight at me, finally Psycho has woken up, Tia was sat in the room with him.
Fred and Lorenzo, walked past me, they was entering the storage cupboard.
When they entered the cupboard, the body was gone, he was dead, but gone.
One of the nurses must've found him, then took him to the morgue, or they've treated him.
Fred walked towards me, it's bad fucking news isn't it? What more could possibly go wrong today?
"What is it Fred?" I ask
Fred looked shocked, I knew something bad had happened, I could sense it.
"The body has gone" Fred said
"Search all security cameras, search the whole hospital, if you find him even in the morgue. Dump his scummy body" I cried
"Yes boss" Fred replied
Nobody is running from me, NO FUCKING BODY!
I strode back towards Teddy's room, he was still laying there, LIFELESS.
I couldn't do anything, all I could do was pray, even praying didn't help me.
I should've been outside when he was, maybe none of this would've happened, what breaks my heart more is the fact that I can't fix it.
I turn towards the nurse, is there anymore devastating news she would like to add? I don't know if I can hear anymore.
"Teddy is going to be fine, he can now respond, we're going to do a couple more tests on him. But so far, he looks healthy. Chris is fine, he should be back home in no time"
"Thank you" I cried
The nurse was still staring at me, what was she staring at? I even looked in the other direction to see, what she was looking at.
"You remind me of somebody"
"Really, who?" I ask
"Mr.Gambino's daughter"
"That's because I am"...

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