Noah~ Surprise Ride

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TGIF was a saying that meant nothing to Noah, considering his busiest days always seemed to be the weekends.

The only reason he was even remotely glad it was Friday was he had been invited to a special luncheon at Mrs. Amelia's house, a rare occasion that he had only experienced one other time, and now looked forward to more than anything with the array of sandwiches and drinks that her kitchen staff had prepared.

He was going to make sure to bring a doggy bag home with him, as the sandwiches would make a wonderfully free lunch for possibly the rest of the week if he tried hard enough.

It wasn't like he didn't have access to food, as Grace always insisted he add something to her grocery shipping list when she ordered it, but he hated to take advantage of friends. He had never thought of his friends he made in any way other than people he enjoyed the company of; something that was rare.

He felt like he had a sixth sense about people and knew right away whether he would like them or not.

Grace had been an instant friend attraction, as their kindred spirits were undeniable from the second they'd started rocking out together in the car on the way to his new life.

His love for her, however, was cut short as she had sent a text to cancel taking him to the lunch. While she proceeded to promise him she would find another ride, he felt doubtful that the lunch was going to happen, and his stomach rumbled in disappointment at the thought.

Looking around the store, his eyes landed on Lurching Les, the nickname he had made up the day before popping back into mind and making him smile. His lunch break being over signaled the end of Noah's shorter shift for the day. He had been there earlier than normal to receive a delivery arrival that had not shown up, and was to that moment still in transit, so he was more than ready to leave.

As he switched out the cash tills and filled Les in on the late delivery order expected anytime, he decided to catch an Uber to Amelia's. The thought of the fancy crustless sandwiches cut into perfect triangles, and the fact he hadn't eaten yet that day, had his mouth watering with need.

His mind changed instantly once he searched the cost of the ride, a whopping 45 dollars, and considering they always expected a tip on top of that, which was understandable, it was unaffordable for Noah's personal budget.

Once he was able to save enough to completely pay off his debts, his frugality might loosen, but he knew he needed to focus on acquiring what was needed, as fast as possible, if he ever hoped to escape his past.

A mysterious text from Grace raised his hopes and love for her once again.

~Found you a ride. You'll know them when you see them.

The wink and laughing face emojis at the end were confusing, but Noah didn't have much time to dwell on it as he heard a honk from the left of him.

Turning to face the car obviously there for him, Noah's face automatically turned red. The man he had literally spanked it to in the shower not even 6 hours earlier was there, looking even sexier, and right at him.

A curveball he had not expected had his heart racing for some reason, and he felt nervous as he walked to the car, the smell that hit him in the face as he opened the door making everything even dreamier, as it was that same lavender scent that he could drink up all day.

"Hey, Noah, right?"

His voice was sexy too. Not too deep, but the perfect fit for his face, something that Noah couldn't seem to tear his eyes from as his crooked smile was like a tractor beam.

He realized he was standing with the door open for too long, and he smiled apologetically before clamoring into the front passenger seat, his mind racing with the need to respond to the perfect specimen of a man sitting next to him.

"Uh, yeah. And you're Mitch?"

"Everyone calls me Mitch, only my mother called me Mitchell. And Mrs. Amelia does at times, when she wants to intimidate me. Ha."

Noah laughed, a little too forcefully, regretting it instantly. He had never felt so giddily nervous talking to anyone, and he wondered if he had damaged his brain by daydreaming a little too much about the guy.

"Yeah, she definitely seems the type to be like that."

"So, are you a friend of Gregory and Ash's? I became their lawyer through Amelia and have to say that they are just such a perfect couple."

"I'm Grace's friend really, but I do know them. Ash and Abby I got to spend time with recently, which was fun."

"Yeah, they are all pretty amazing. Such a great family."

The ensuing silence was electric, with Noah feeling more turned on every moment as he breathed in what he had decided was the best smell in the world. It was good enough to be made into a candle or something in his opinion.

As he did all he could to push down the feelings that were unexpectedly taking over, he realized he didn't particularly like not having control over his body. In fact, he couldn't remember a time when he was this attracted to someone just by being in their presence, to the point of wanting to jump them without even talking first.

It was exciting and disconcerting at the same time.

"So, you're working at Grace's shop I see. I admit I haven't really gone in there much but did go a few times with Ash and it was always nice."

"Ha, try working there and listening to the same 20 song soundtrack, and two regular complaining customers every day. By then it starts to resemble its own special sort of hell."

Noah wondered if his complaining was off-putting and decided to backtrack.

"What about you, since we're sharing. You're a lawyer, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"What do you mean, you guess so? Don't you have to have a degree and pass the bar, whatever that actually means, to even have that job? Impressive in my opinion."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Shouldn't you, as a lawyer, be a little surer of things?"

"Ha, I guess."

"Wow, man of many words. I'd love to see you in action in the courtroom. This should make for interesting lunch conversation, that is, if you're staying."

"Yeah, I was invited, which means Amelia must have something involving me up her sleeve, but, since she serves such delicious sandwiches, who am I to say no?'

"OMG! RIGHT!? Those freaking sandwiches are so good! Haha. I'm drooling thinking about them. I love the little fancy cucumber ones."

"I prefer the cream cheese and meat ones, though the cucumber ones are in my top 5."

Noah felt more relaxed with every second he spoke with Mitch about sandwiches and other foods, and he couldn't believe how smitten he was already feeling with the older, dressed up man beside him.

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