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Mitch stopped his mind from attempting to imagine Noah dancing seductively at a club, pointedly looking away from his perfect face and back towards Amelia.

"I actually do have a contact that I know of from a case I did a few years back, and If she's still running the company, I would probably put my money on them."

Amelia clapped.

"Wonderful! Send me all the boring information through email and just get it done for me, ha-ha. I want to have a convincible rough draft to present Grace with to entice her into accepting our offer."

Mitch winked.

"I'll ensure it's too enticing to deny."

"I trust you will. Now that all the silly plans are out of the way, maybe everyone here would like to spend some time getting to know each other a little better."

Ash's eyebrow raised at Amelia's words, and he looked in the direction her eyes sparkled, towards Noah and Mitch, with newfound interest.

Mitch wanted to disappear, as it was more than obvious to everyone there what Amelia was trying to do. He felt almost guilty that poor Noah was being roped into Amelia's obsession with trying to find him the love of his life.

"I want to see the puppies Ash-Mommy!"

"OK Honey, finish what's in your mouth, and take one more sip of this water, then we can go see Amelia's puppies."

"They're only here another week, and then they'll be old enough to be adopted out, so soak up all the love you can!"

Mitch was surprised that Amelia was still fostering dogs among all the other duties she instilled on herself at her age.

It seemed something in life had made her resolve to help all she could for the rest of it, and Mitch felt grateful again that he could be a part of that for her, especially as it visibly brought her so much joy.

Ash and Abby leaving prompted Mitch to race off to the restroom, avoiding the disappointed look being shot from Amelia as Noah seemed to decide in that moment to follow Ash and Abby to the puppies.

As he walked towards the facilities, his phone rang, and he looked down in dread to see his boss on the other line.

She was just as bad as dealing with Jacob, though in a different way, and he contemplated letting it go to voicemail before thinking better of it and answering.

"Hello, Mitch speaking."

"I know it's you Mitch, and there's no way you didn't know it was me calling."

"I was just attempting to be professional, Mrs. Pentie."

"Well, I guess there's a first time for everything. Anyway, I'm calling to hear more on your collaboration with Jacob. How is that going? He tells me you have been avoiding him left and right, and it just might jeopardize our account. I told him there's no way you would jeopardize your JOB over something so petty as a personal beef with a coworker, especially with how PROFESSIONAL you're being as of late."

Mitch should have known Jacob would first thing go and tattle to mommy, and he sighed in response.

"Personal beef if more like when someone eats someone lunch that is clearly labeled with their name on it. The feelings I have towards Jacob go farrr beyond that, I assure you. It's best if we don't work together in the future."

"As a lawyer, you are going to be working with all types of people, and I've noticed a pattern with you when it comes to not wanting to work with anyone with a strong personality."

"You mean I don't want to work with asshats?"

"I mean, you are a lawyer, what kind of personalities do you expect you'll be working with? You are an adult, doing a job, so freaking act like one for God's sake. Its like dealing with children, I swear."

"I don't have the energy for this conversation right now."

"You don't need to have energy for anything but the Jimenez account. It's important, and you fuck it up, you're done."

"Got it, your highness."

Hanging up the phone, Mitch sighed.

He hated that she, for once, had a good point.

"Sounds like a total asshole."

Mitch jumped and spun to see Noah looking as cute as ever.

"Yeah, I guess to have the title of boss you have to be, at least that's what I've learned from all the bosses I've ever experienced."

"You just need to be your own boss."

"Well, that IS the dream."

Mitch shifted from one foot to the other as Noah took one more step closer, their arms practically touching with their close proximity.

"They say life is full of regrets, but chasing your dreams is not one of them."

"Well, I don't know who they are, but I like their thinking."

Noah's smile was infectious, and Mitch grinned goofily as they took each other in in silence for a moment with Noah finally moving to take a step back, his smell lingering.

"I wanted to say I won't be needing a ride home today. Ash has graciously offered so that we can brainstorm some on this new plan involving Grace."

"While I don't know her as well as you guys do, I suspect she is going to be pretty resistant of this plan."

"You are spot on with that assumption. That's why we have to market it to her in just the right way. Ash and I have some work on our hands."

"Ha, I don't envy you, glad my part is easier than yours."

"But just as important! Well, thanks again for the ride, it was enjoyable company to be sure."

"Yes, it was."

Mitch smiled and nodded as Noah waved goodbye and walked off.

He allowed a few seconds for his eyes to linger on the sexy buns as they wiggled away before ripping them away and heading into the restroom.

Leaving was easier than expected as everyone was distracted by the puppies who had been set loose by a mischievously laughing Abby, and Mitch's heart felt full as laughed at the situation and headed for his car.

Just as he pulled out of the property onto the main road, his phone rang, and he glanced down to see the number was from a law firm of some sort and his curiosity had him imagining all sorts of reasons behind the call as he drove home.

The ding of a voicemail 3 minutes later had him even more curious, and he wished he knew how to hook up the Bluetooth to his car, so that he could listen to the mystery message right then and there.

Parking in his driveway, he quickly picked up his phone and listened to the voicemail.

"Hello, this message is for Mitchell Ferguson, this is the family lawyer group here in Sedgwick County, Kansas. If you could give us a call back as soon as possible, we have an urgent matter to discuss."

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