Noah~ Time Control

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He almost hated that they'd had to stop for the night, as the 6 ½ hours together in the car had been the best time Noah had ever spent with another person.

There was something so different about Mitch than anyone he'd ever been around, and he knew then and there that what he'd felt in the past for Lulu was nothing like the intense pull he felt towards the taller, sexy man flashing his irresistible, crooked smile in his direction.

His sarcastic humor and intelligence on a wide variety of subjects had Noah wanting to learn everything that Mitch had to share, and then some.

His past days with Lulu full of deep pain and depression had been so horrible that he had constantly imagined himself with the power to speed up time; if only to escape the many years of physical hurt and mental torture that his last relationship had drug him through.

He shook his head as he again focused on Mitch's smile.

It had a magic about it that took him right out of his clouded mind, and back into reality.

The thought of Mitch not wanting to keep little Rowan popped randomly into his mind again, sending a similar wave of disappointment to his belly as it had when he'd heard it hours earlier.

It was a strange, unexplainable feeling that he couldn't push down, no matter how he tried to reason with himself that it made no sense.

Mitch's true personality was surprising him right and left, as the professional side of him had been on display multiple times, but never the personal on that level.

As the hours had progressed, Noah found himself wanting to slow down time to a pause, to keep the dynamic they had in those moments for as long as possible, as who knew what vibe the next day might bring.

They had spent an entire hour talking about Mitch's fear of getting to the final destination of the trip, and how he wasn't sure yet what he wanted to do.

Mitch's honest and open demeaner was like a breath of fresh air after being stuck in a stuffy room all day, and Noah wanted to keep gulping in breaths of him forever.

"Welp. We're here. I hope you don't mind that I just booked one room with two beds. Its much cheaper that way, and I had thought it would be Ash. Though I totally understand if you might be uncomfortable with that, and if that's the case, I'm sure they have another room available. Sorry."

Mitch looked embarrassed, and before he could think about it, Noah grabbed at Mitch's hand as it settled on the car's shifter.

"Oh, I don't mind. Thank you."

They locked eyes as Mitch parked, with both laughing, and Noah pulling his hands away, as he bumped into the parking bump with a jolt.

"Shit, sorry."

Ha, no worries. I'll bet you're exhausted right now from all that driving."

"Truth. Let's head inside. I'll grab the bags if you want to just head over to the desk and wait for a second."

"Are you sure? I don't mind carrying things too, you know."

"I insist. Go go. Before I call for a wheelchair."

"You wouldn't."

Mitch's eyes flashed with a mischievousness that had Noah's insides churning with want.

"Oh, yeah? Wanna bet?"

Noah shut the door in pointed defeat and walked briskly inside while stifling a laugh.

It didn't take them long to get to their room on the first floor, and Noah waited for Mitch to claim the right bed before he sat his bag on the left. They were queen sized, and Noah thought back to the last time he was in a hotel.

Once when he had first come to town to meet Grace. He had stayed a few days, and it was glorious, but still not as nice as the place they were staying.

Racing in to check out the bathroom he gave up his attempt to hold in his excitement as he marveled at the white tiles and sparkling shower and separate jacuzzi tub.

"Woooow! There's tiny shampoos and soaps in here too. How do they get the towels folded so perfectly? OH Look! This one is in the shape of a swan! What the heck?"

"Ha, that's something I never really noticed before. Course now that you mention it, all I can imagine is some poor woman being forced to fold our soon to be water soaked rags into bird shapes."

"Well, this one was not in vain. I'm going to put it up here by the mirror so we can enjoy whoever's hard work."

"Haha. Deal. I'll take it you have first dibs on the shower than?"

"I want to use everything. I wish we had more time."

"We have tomorrow night and can always plan future trips."

"You can't plan a trip just to stay at a fancy hotel."

"And why not? Vacation is whatever your idea of fun is. If it's enjoying the amenities at a fancy hotel, well, hell, I say book it for a week, really get a taste of that hotel life. You only have one you know."

"Well, when you put it that way..."

"I know, right? It's brilliant!"

"Haha. It is."

"Allrighty then. I'll leave you to it then. I'm gonna head back out to the car for my charger, is there anything you need?"

"Nope I'm good, thanks."


Noah knew he was blushing hardcore, and that he was terrible at hiding his emotions no matter how hard he concentrated on doing just that, so it was good that Mitch was going to leave the room for a second so he could catch his breath.

The smell of him, the sound of his voice, the feel of electricity that Noah's skin felt as soon as they were just close enough to almost touch.

It was driving him crazy.

It was new territory for him, and he felt a mixture of want and fear. He wanted more than anything to kiss Mitch's crooked perfect mouth. To see what it tasted like. He hadn't been able to stop himself from daydreaming about it as he had watched Mitch talk about so many amazing things on the ride. He feared doing something to ruin the relationship they were beginning to develop.

The want had been so strong, he was grateful to have been left alone to cool off, or he might have given in to his intrusive thoughts.

Noah breathed in a sigh of comfort as he looked again around the spacious room, taking in the corner with a couch and television much bigger than the set Grace and him had at the apartment.

"I can get used to this."

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