Noah~ Concussion

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Noah startled awake, his body drenched in sweat.

"Ugh. Finally. Been like a whole frickin' day...Sweety! I've missed you! This cat and mouse game is starting to get a little...old...don't you think?"

A part of Noah hoped he was dreaming as he struggled against the ropes holding him tight to a wooden chair in the middle of some country style kitchen he didn't recognize.

The panic began to build as he took in what he knew was all his night terrors combined.

She'd officially lost it, that much he could tell, considering she'd done some seriously unhinged things before, but nothing as scary as drugging and kidnapping him against his will.

Lulu, in all her 5 foot 6, black haired, eyed, and souled glory, was glaring down at him with a black horse crop in hand.

"You really had me for a minute there, NOAH."

The whip was placed softly on his right shoulder from behind as he closed his eyes and willed himself to breathe. This was illegal. How the hell could she get away with this?

He struggled in vain against the ropes, idly wishing he'd just stayed with Mitch, frustrated that he'd fallen for her trap.

"Lulu. Please. Let me go. Let's talk. You've really gone too far this time."

Hot breath with the trauma-inducing smell of spearmint hit his ear and nose as Lulu's psycho emerged at a level Noah didn't recognize.

"You really fucking thought you could escape your DESTINY!?"

A smacking whip to the back of the head had his eyes blurring for a second as she screamed the last word. He clenched his entire body in preparation for what he knew were most likely many more to come. She'd beaten him many times in the past, though it was the first time incorporating anything but her own fists to do the job.

"You seem to have forgotten that YOU are the worm and will always be THE WORM!"

Her psychotic screams meant she was far gone from having control of herself, and Noah again prepared himself physically and mentally for the rain of hurt he would no doubt be enduring.

His thoughts raced to the last memory of Mitch dropping him off, with him being heartbroken at the look on his love's disappointed and confused face when he'd had to deny him a kiss, knowing Lulu might be waiting in the shadows, watching.

He didn't remember anything after Mitch had pulled away, though. Had no clue how long it had been since, or even where he was in that moment.

Noah's heart broke at the sudden realization that he would never be free. She had groomed him ever since his parents died in a car crash when he was 7, something he finally knew for fact being old enough to understand such things.

She'd been the closest thing to a family he'd had. A cousin twice removed on his mother's side. A rich, famous woman whom everyone loved and reassured him would be the best guardian he could possibly ask for.

Initially, she'd acted as though she really cared for him, about him. Had been the only person there for him in a huge world he didn't understand; was too young and hurt to want to face.

What he had at first thought was a natural blooming love between them, turned into a torturous world with a groomer who was narcissistically psychotic and bipolar. Someone who was able to somehow hide it all from the world who adored her, as long as she had someone at home to dote her psycho on.

She herself had been the daughter of a narcissistic Multimillionaire, a man who had not only passed his money to her when he died, but his traits as well.

Noah could remember time and time again the stories she told him; Of being thrust into the spotlight at the age of 5 by her mother. Cast as a main character in a Show called "Detective LuLu At it Again"; one in which she depicted a child that was intelligent and savvy at solving local neighborhood crimes, a role that changed her life completely.

The world had fallen in love with her dimples and dark curls, and she had been voted the Darling of the state, even having a small statue depicted of her at the first shooting location of her show.


Lulu's screeches were earsplitting, and Noah instantly obeyed. He could feel his brain beginning to go back into numb mode. Something that he'd developed over the years to deal with Lulu's crazy.

"There we go, easy peezy. Ah...Jack. I've missed, so much. Changing the name I so carefully picked just for you? Did you really think that would stop me for long? We have a lot of catching up to do, my littlest of littles."

He cringed at the name. Wishing more than anything that he was dreaming again. Standing in front of him, Lulu began to undress from her jeans and t-shirt showing off a red-laced matching set of bra and panties.

"Tell me how good I look. It's been much too long since you've pleasured me."

Noah cringed and shivered, a feeling of bile heading up his throat, making it impossible for him to speak, and making him swallow hard instead.


He coughed and cleared his throat, desperate to obey.

"You look so fucking sexy."

"Oh, worm, I know you can't mean it, not with that lackluster sound of voice. You need to make me BELIEVE."

A hard whip slap across the face had Noah's eyes seeing stars and his mouth tasting blood.

He looked into her eyes pleadingly as he spoke.

"You KNOW I think you're sexy."

Lulu's smile was mischievous as she walked straight up to Noah and put her hand hard on his crotch.

"I can tell you're LYING!"

Looking at him disgustedly, she shoved him hard, his bound hands and feet flailing as the entire chair toppled back, causing a shock of pain to shoot up his spine as he hit the floor with a loud thud.

He took deep breaths, closing his eyes again, willing himself to be anywhere else.

"You have exactly 30 seconds to get yourself ready for me."

Noah knew then that it was no dream, and there would be no escaping Lulu's clutches. THAT was his life, and he just had to accept it.

A small tear fell as Noah focused as best he could on getting himself turned on somehow.


A banging sound had Lulu scrambling to dress with confusion. She up-righted Noah's chair and raced to a nearby mirror to inspect her face. Ensuring she looked ok for company, her forced smile caused Noah again to shiver at how normal she looked with such evil lurking just beneath the surface.

"You better stay quiet if you know what's good for you."

She raced from the room.

His body from head to toe ached, and he struggled one last time against his restraints as his mind fought off unconsciousness.

More banging and shouting in another room had Noah's already pounding head throbbing more, and he wished he could let himself fall asleep.

As his eyes closed, he could swear he heard Mitch calling for him in his dreams.

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