Mitch~ Rescue

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"NOAH! NOAH?! I know you're here!"

The second the evil woman had opened the door, Mitch had rushed past her and into the house, phone on record, yelling for the man he would look forever and to the ends of the earth to find. Turning to stare back angrily towards inhuman, soulless eyes, he held in every urge to deck her straight in the kisser.

"Where the fuck is he!?"

"Hey! You can't just barge into my house!"

Two of Amelia's men had followed him inside, with two outside the door to guard, and the men inside proceeded to grab Lulu and physically restrain her from blocking Mitch.

One of them spoke as she struggled against their hold to no avail.

"Maam. The police are on their way. We've obtained video surveillance of you using some form of chloroform to attack and kidnap your son. We also have it under good authority that you've abused him for far too long."

"You have no idea who I am, do you? Otherwise, you would never have done this! My lawyers are going to have a heyday with this-"


Mitch raced to an inch from her face, yelling as loud as he could, not caring that the spit was flying.

"You have no idea who Noah's friend Amelia is. Or ME for that matter. If you did, YOU would never have done THIS."

"You don't even know Jack. I've raised him to be perfect. Just for me. Nobody deserves him, but me. He's MINE!"

Mitch smiled past the need to vomit at the manic rush of words racing from the mad woman's tight lips.

"You will never see him again, if I have anything to say about it."

"Who the fuck are you?"

"A person who actually loves him, and can't stand to think that he might be hurting. Now, Where. The fuck. Is he!?"

Lulu tightened her lips into a smirk.

Mitch groaned angrily as he grabbed his hair instead of the woman's neck in front of him.

"Obviously you're no help. I'll fucking find him my damn self."

Racing blindly through the house, all Mitch could think of was Grace and the stories of Noah's abuse she'd quickly shared as they'd all searched for the location that the infamous Lulu Waters might be staying.

He shuddered to think if they hadn't had the connections from his old work, and Amelia; both of which had made it possible to discover she had rented an Air bnb not even 10 minutes from Noah's apartment.

Mitch's chest felt tight as he thought of the last 12 hours of torture Noah had probably gone through scared and alone. He couldn't bear to think that it was taking him so long to find his lover, and he felt a new shred in his already tattered sanity with every empty room in the enormous house he uncovered.

Racing into a small side kitchen, he stopped in time with his heart at the sight of his lover passed out and tied to a chair, a huge welt mark on his face and bruises on his arms the only visual pains that Mitch could access before rushing to his side and finding a knife to cut his bonds.

"My sweet Noah. I'm here. I've got you."

Noah stirred enough for Mitch to shush him as he caressed his love's face; tracing the welt that he knew would not be permanent but had immediately left a permanent scar on his heart, nonetheless.

"Let's get you out of here."

He whispered the words as he gingerly gripped Noah's body to him and lifted him easily in his arms. Noah let out a whimper that had Mitch cringing.

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