Noah~ True Friends

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A warm arm around his shoulders as they walked into the upstairs dining hall, had Noah's insides flipping again. Their intimate moment was still fresh in his senses, and he felt his face flushing at the groin-tingling thoughts.

Mitch had a way of making him feel more comfortable to act naturally around without thinking, than anyone he'd ever been around.

Until they got intimate it seemed.

Noah couldn't stop himself from feeling as though he was not saying or doing enough in that department, and he knew it was because his attraction to Mitch was so much different than anything he'd ever felt. The second his teeth hit Noah's earlobe; his brain short-circuited.

He froze like a deer in headlights as soon as they got close, not because he was scared, but because he wasn't sure what to do. With Lulu, she'd just directed him in everything from sex to meals to what outfit he should wear for the day, so he hadn't had to think about what to do, had just followed directions.

The relationship with Mitch was going to be infinitely better and was glaringly more real, but also brand-new territory, and Noah couldn't help but wish he was just a little more knowledgeable in it all; to find the ways Mitch enjoyed being pleasured, without having to be directed.

The more he thought about it, the sillier he felt worried about it, and he pushed it from his mind as a familiar voice echoed through the enormous room.

"DA! DA!"

"There's my guy!"

Mitch walked straight to pluck a wiggling Rowan from Ash's arms as they all settled back into their seating arrangement and again took part in top-notch snacking.


Noah and Mitch looked first in shock at Rowan and then in question at Gregory, who was laughing heartily in response.

Ash crossed his arms in feigned frustration as he huffed.

"It seems your son has chosen a nickname for me that I would not have picked, but it seems I have no choice but to grin and bear it."


Rowan was excitedly pointing at Ash as he chewed on a piece of bread and bounced in his seat.

"You like Ash Rowan?"

Mitch's voice didn't hide his amusement as Rowan continued to shout Ass at the top of his lungs, welcoming in Amelia and her attendant as they walked in chuckling.

"Who doesn't love our sweet Ash?"

Amelia looked much better than earlier, and Noah marveled at how much good a nap did for a person.

As he pondered on the next time he might get the chance for such a luxury, Mitch's hand reached over Rowan to cover his as Amelia settled into her seat and grabbed at a nearby sandwich.

"Well, Amelia. I want to say thank you for suggesting that Noah come with me to get Rowan and Rose. It really helped us realize how well we complement each other."

Noah felt his face again reddening as everyone clapped.

"I had a feeling you two might just click."

Ash laughed as he spoke.

"Well, I'd say Amelia always knows best when it comes to these things."

"Compliments get you everywhere my dear, but please do tell Jesse that. He's just called me from Denmark angrier than I've ever heard him."

Gregory's smile faded at the mention of his ex as he chimed in,

"Having to live with Dustin, I'm surprised he hasn't already moved back here. That man is insufferable."

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