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Mitch had made so many calls when they had first left the Home of Horrors, that Noah and Rose had been left alone to eat for the most part, and it was then that Rose had finally spoken to him, thought just one word.


He could tell she had meant so much more as he stared at her eyes wet with tears and happiness.

His chest burned with what he was recognizing as love, and it was for the man he could barely see outside the restaurant, pacing back and forth angrily on the phone.

Though he had many attractive qualities, Mitch's authoritative way of making it seem like no matter how bad the situation was, he could make it better, was one of his most attractive.

"I'm sorry about whatever might have happened to you at that place, but I know for a fact Mitch won't let you down from here on out. Your nephew is a pretty amazing guy."

Rose smiled as if to agree as she simultaneously dug into a stack of pancakes with blueberry syrup.

"My ears were burning out there, you guys weren't talking about me, were you?"

Mitch's voice as he came back to sit had Noah's stomach lurching with desire. The man was just too attractive, and Noah wanted more than anything to go back in time to their kiss and re-live it a few more times.

Mitch directed his attention to Rose.

"I've made a lot of calls, and after we get you evaluated physically and get a drug test done on you at the hospital nearby, there is a home I want to temporarily take you to that I have been assured is a million times better than the rat's nest you were forced to live in."

Mitch's face turned pained, and Noah's chest hurt at the sight.

"I'm sorry aunt Rose. For everything. If I had known how bad it was, I would have taken care of those evil fuckers...oh, crap, sorry, language...anyway, yeah, I'm really so sorry. I vow from here on out to never let you live anything but your best life."

Rose's face looked somewhat worried, but trusting, and Noah marveled that the woman still fresh with bruises was ready to trust again.

It made Noah think hard.

Maybe he COULD love someone, have the life he wanted. Maybe he didn't have to run and hide anymore.

Noah knew something inside of him was changing as he looked to Mitch, who was beaming at them both from across the booth, and finally eating his most likely cold, scrambled eggs with cheese.

If it was with Mitch, he could definitely imagine staying, being happy, and, most importantly, staying safe from Lulu or anything else in life that might want to cause him harm.

Now the real question was, would Mitch even be interested in something with everything that was obviously going on in his life?

He could tell Mitch was attracted to him physically, and for that he was so grateful, but he couldn't help but hope it could be more, the same way it was for him.

Their eyes contact had Noah blushing and looking down at his hashbrowns, and he played with them as he smiled. They would definitely need to talk after the trip, just as Mitch had said.

The thought terrified and excited him, and he stuffed a bite into his mouth relishing in the happy moment.


Waving at Rose as they drove from the temporary home that they'd just spent an hour inspecting was bittersweet, but she had seemed excited and happy, and Mitch had promised they would come get her once he'd found a permanent place for her nearby his own home.

Noah kept his eye on Rose as the short attendant wheeled her inside.

"She'll be much happier there, I promise you that."

Mitch sounded as if he was trying to convince himself more than comfort Noah. He tried his hardest to respond in the most cheerful, reassuring way possible.

"Oh, I know it. It's a stark difference just from the minute you drive up to the place."

"Rose enjoyed the outdoor garden area the most, I could tell. Hopefully they take her out often. I'll have to call them later-on to ensure that happens."

"I'm sure she'll be so happy, plus, it's only temporary."

"Yeah, true."

A happy silence settled as Mitch sat a little straighter and fiddled with his GPS app.

"Looks like 3 hours, and we get to the next leg of our journey."

Noah felt a small blip of excitement as he wondered what little Rowan was doing in that moment. If only he knew he had a superhero like Mitch on the way to save him, to make his life better.

If only Noah had been so lucky to have someone as amazing as Mitch as a child when his parents had died. Unfortunately, he'd gotten Lulu instead.

He tried hard to not think on it, but the memories again threatened to take him hostage, to steal his breath from his lungs.

Mitch stopped the car right before pulling out of the parking lot, Putting one hand on Noah's back and rubbing in circles, instantly ripping Noah back from the mind pool he was almost drowning in.

"Noah? You ok?"

Noah straightened his back and ran a hand through his hair, his face burning.

He couldn't believe how fast that had happened. He also couldn't believe how fast he'd been pulled out of it just by Mitch's touch. The panic attacks were all too real, yet they'd been gone so long, until recently.

"Yeah, hehe.Sorry."

The fear that Mitch might se all the baggage that came with Noah and run was still a real possibility, and he had to be ready for that, should it happen.

Deep down he knew it didn't matter anymore, as long as he tried for the one thing he'd never thought would even be a possibility in his life.

A family of his own.

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