Noah~ Intimate

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They arrived back at Mitch's home early the next morning, and Noah felt guilty as Mitch parked and instantly climbed out to stretch. His tall body cramped in the driving position for so long must have been uncomfortable.

"Hey, thanks for driving so much. I'm sorry you had to."

"No worries, I like it. I'm a road trip guy, though it's been a long time since I've done it. This trip reminded me how much fun it is, especially when I have someone like you with me."

Noah blushed as Mitch looked into the back at a fast asleep Rowan under his new duck blanket.

"Oh, he's out. Poor thing. I'll have to go throw together a makeshift bed for him in the living room on the floor for today..haha. I've heard scary stories about SIDS so I don't want to risk him sleeping with me in the bed, and I still haven't gotten him his own, which is now top priority once we all get some rest."

"Yeah, that'll work, I can help you with whatever you need. Do you have blankets?"

"I have my thick winter comforter, and the current one on my bed and then I have sheets and pillowcases and towels? Oh! And the 2 blankets you so kindly suggested we purchase at the store. You're welcome to either sleep on the bed or on the couch, whichever you'd like. I think I'd like to sleep on the floor nearby Rowan so that he doesn't have to wake up in an unfamiliar place alone."

"Whichever is easiest for you is easiest for me. Though your back may disagree with your choice in the morning."

Mitch's signature smile had Noah's insides churning and he climbed out to start grabbing things from the car.

In a sudden movement that startled Noah into taking one step back, Mitch turned to him and grabbed at the front of his sweater, successfully getting a handful before pulling Noah in to kiss him. Noah's whole body lit up with the heat and passion that shot from Mitch's lips into his, and he found himself disappointed when Mitch pulled away instead of deepening it.


Mitch spoke the word as he quietly chuckled and turned to bend to inspect Rowan, who was still passed out.

"I'm gonna have you hold him inside on the couch while I bring everything in."

Noah felt guilt again squirming in his stomach.

"No, no! You've done so much! You should relax while I bring in the stuff."

"I wouldn't have bought so much if I'd of thought you'd have to do it. Let's just get the essentials out, and I'll lock everything else in the trunk for the morning...or later today I should say."

"Haha, deal."

Noah smiled through the realization that he would have to sleep at Mitch's house, which was exciting and worrying at the same time. He hated to impose after everything Mitch had done in such a short time-span, but he knew he could at least help him with Rowan.

That thought comforted his mind as he helped to grab the things they both thought they might need. His arms full of baby supplies, he followed Mitch as he positioned their 2 personal bags on his shoulder and grabbed Rowan to head inside his apartment.

The smell of carrots again made Noah chuckle as they took turns using the restroom and then prepared the living room floor together.

"Ill just sleep on the floor too, if that's ok. There's plenty of space."

"You're right, there is. You can sleep right next to me."

Noah face went hot as he turned away from Mitch, his heart fluttering at the tantalizing thought.

Mitch and NoahWhere stories live. Discover now