Mitch~ New Future

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Mitch was unprepared for the jolt to his heart as the long, thick lashes parted to reveal a pair of huge baby blue eyes that looked lost and confused.

Rowan yawned and rubbed one eye as he took in Mitch with a curious timidness and wiggled to a sitting position on his lap. Noah prompted Mitch to hand the bottle over, which Rowan took quickly, drinking half in seconds before slowing down enough to again side-eye the man who was holding him, and his seat mate.

"There he is! Hi Rowan! This is Mitch. He's going to take you home with him and take care of you."

Rowan's eye's widened as they looked from Shea to Mitch, but he didn't move, just quietly took everything in as he softly sucked down the rest of his bottle.

"As far as I know, he doesn't talk, just makes noises. I admit I have a huge workload, so I haven't been able to learn as much about Rowan as I've wanted. He's the sweetest soul, slightly malnourished of course with the fact that he grew up in a suspected drug house."

Mitch's heart stopped.

"Excuse me?"

Everything was starting to come together as to what kind of life Rowan had been leading up to that point, and Mitch was shocked and saddened.

Shae looked like she instantly wished she could take back her words, and she suddenly stood and looked at her wrist, which did not contain a watch.

"Look at the time! I'm really sorry but I have so many others I have to tend to today. All the information on Rowan's case should have been emailed to you, as we really don't want to have to talk in front of him about such triggering things."

Scrutinizing Rowan a little harder, he could see that he DID look too thin, and somewhat dirty, and his chest burst with the need to fatten him up as fast as possible. He understood a huge workload, but could never understand being so overworked as to let a child stay in a dangerous situation.

Mitch knew he couldn't do the job the woman sitting in front of him was, but that fact didn't negate that she was getting on his last nerve.

Just her obvious intolerance for the LGBTQ+ community was the first red flag, among many. He had purposefully called Noah his boyfriend as a test she had miserably failed with her looks of disgust she was still shooting their way when she thought they weren't looking. Of course, the look on Noah's face when he had said it had made the test a success in his book.

"If there's anything else you need from me, just shoot me a call, I believe you have my card? I'll also send you an email attachment of everything we've discussed today, and the papers you will be signing up front as well."

Shae looked ready to bolt, and so Mitch and Noah rose, with Rowan shifting easily in Mitch's arms. His weight was much lighter than his height would suggest, and again Mitch felt the need to get him home and healthy again.

As he headed to the lobby to sign some paperwork and received a folder of even more in return, Mitch's mind was almost numb with the influx of change that was happening in the span of moments for his life.

Walking to the car was a surreal moment, and Rowan was silent with his huge eyes staring at everything they could.

Mitch was more grateful than ever that Noah had been the one who'd come with him on his life changing mission. His thought was concurrent with Noah's touch to his arm, which shot a burning sensation into his skin that stayed even after he stole it right back.

"I'll make him another bottle if you want."

"Yeah..I mean, if it won't give him a stomach ache or anything."

"No, I think he could take one more, maybe half of one to start. I have only that much left of this water bottle anyway."

"Perfect. We should head to the store."

"Yeah, definitely."

They both looked at Rowan as he put him inside the luxury carseat, which he snuggled into as Mitch attempted to buckle him inside unsuccessfully.

"Damn, these buckles are hard. I never expected a baby seat to get the nest of me, haha. I wish we had a better, cleaner outfit for him. Yeah, why is this not...buckling?"

"Here, let me. Yeah, we can get an outfit and change him first thing at the store if you want."

As he rose to allow Noah to strap Rowan in properly, a tiny hand reached for him as they heard Rowan's soft voice for the first time.


Mitch went back in to stroke Rowan's arm.

"Don't worry little one. That's Noah. He'll help buckle you in. He's so nice. My friend. Okay? He will be gentle, I promise."

Rowan looked unsure but loosened his vice grip on Mitch's arm, allowing him to rise and Noah to trade spots with him.

"Hey Rowan buddy! I'm Noah, you can call me Uncle Noah if you want to. Ok? I'm gonna fix your seat, and then maybe we can find some music you like to listen to while we go to the store. Do you like the store Rowan? Maybe we can get you a toy while we're there."

Mitch saw Noah look at him for confirmation in time with Rowan, their faces much more similar than Mitch could handle, as their cuteness combined should have been illegal with the effect on his chest it had. He smiled big and clapped in excitement before holding up two fingers.

"Of course we can. Maybe even 2 toys."

"Oh wow! You hear that? 2 toys! So lucky! Let's just finish buckling this, and I'll tighten thiiiis...Ok! We're strapped and ready to go!"

Mitch smiled as Noah moved for his inspection.

"Looks good! Thanks. Ok Rowan, you ready?"

Rowan's smile in response was infectious and Mitch couldn't help but mirror it as he ruffled the small front tuft of Rowans hair before shutting the door and heading to the driver's seat.

It didn't take them long to find a large department store with everything they needed. They found a cute lion shirt and matching pants that they put on Rowan, as well as a new diaper, and then they filled the cart with everything and more that they could think of for a 14-month-old.

Mitch was gain so grateful for Noah and his child expertise, as he'd suggested so many things Mitch would not have even thought to get until he'd gotten home and realized he needed it. Of course, he wasn't positive if he could fit everything into the car, and not soon after the realization they decided to take another trip once they got back home.

They successfully stuffed everything in the trunk and next to Rowan in the back as best they could, as Noah noted the things they still needed to get.

"I'll send you an attachment with a list of the rest of the things I can think of for Rowan, so that way If I can't come to the store with you next time, you have that as a reference. If you want, that is."

"Haha. Don't think I'm going to let you weasel out of coming back to the store with me. Also, any way I could get your list on a piece of paper?"

"Omg, dinosaur."

Noah clapped his hand over his mouth after he said it, his eyes looking worried, but Mitch just laughed uproariously, which made Rowan mimic laugh in the back. That in turn had everyone laughing as he started the car and headed back towards home, his heart bursting with love and excitement for the future.

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