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Mitch stood shell-shocked at the drunken confession he had just overheard.

He couldn't even process the words that had been exchanged as he hid nearby, and he attempted to push away all thoughts on it, determined to forget all his stress as fast as possible.

He had just heard news from emails of his distant cousin's illness, and the fact that her family lawyers were attempting to contact him, worried him for some reason. He had attempted to contact them back, but to no answer, and it had left his mind reeling with the implications behind the call.

Thoughts of sexy surfer-looking Noah interrupted the serious reflection, his stimulating, blue eyes taking over everything and giving Mitch the shivers, shooting waves of need through his body.

He couldn't believe that he had not even gotten the slightest vibe from Noah that he felt THAT type of way, and he went back over every encounter they had ever had in his mind.

::I got him, you're good thanks.::

Grace's text came through as Mitch still stood behind the bush he'd jumped behind outside the club, unable to process the full meaning of Noah's love-confession to her.

In an instant, however, something clicked in Mitch's brain and body.

A desire he had unknowingly been pushing down roared to life, with Noah at the forefront. The hot, young blond that could have any guy or girl he wanted, had chosen to imagine Mitch in his fantasies, and the thought had Mitch's heart and groin fluttering with excitement, possibility, and want.

It was simultaneously the scariest and best feeling he'd ever experienced.

The anxiety-inducing thought, among others, had Mitch deciding to drink, shocking himself, as he headed straight to the bar to order and down two shots of Jägerbomb in no time flat.

His phone dinging again had him hoping for more news of his crush from Grace, but he instead was brought disappointment as a text from Jacob popped up asking what he was up to.

"Ah, shit."

Hoping that maybe Jacob would leave him alone if he just ignored it, Mitch signaled to the bartender for another shot, giving her his credit card to start a tab, while simultaneously wondering what the heck he was doing.

He knew he was feeling something he hadn't in years, and he knew it was the worst timing considering he wasn't where he wanted to be in life, had nothing to offer someone of Noah's caliber, especially someone so young and good-looking. Way out of his league, or so he'd have thought.

His stomach tightened. He didn't know how to handle the influx of emotions, the sudden complications, his first instincts being to drink them away.

"Wow, just ignoring me now, huh? My feelings are hurt."

The voice behind him had him groaning internally.

Mitch turned to acknowledge the man who just couldn't seem to leave him alone for even a few hours to relax.

"I was going to Jacob, but I can never tell when you're fucking with me, so I thought better of it."

Suddenly, throwing Mitch completely off guard, Jacob was right next to him, the overpowering smell of cough drops and cologne making him ready to puke up the money he had just spent.

"Believe me, you'll know when I'm fucking with you."

Mitch scooted away as much as he could, smiling weakly in response as he had nothing ready to verbally express his confusion and disgust at Jacob's random, aggressive, flirty behavior.

"You gonna need a ride home? I haven't drunk anything yet and would be more than willing to be your DD tonight, IF you ask me nicely."

"Ha. Thanks, but no thanks. All I need is for you to get more blackmail on me."


Grabbing the shot in front of him, Mitch downed it while staring unblinkingly at a confused looking Jacob. He jumped up suddenly as the urge to move burned his limbs in time with the last shot's fiery trail in his stomach.

"I'm off to dance. Have a fun night, Jacob."

"Wait. If you walk away, I'm calling the Boss."

Mitch stopped mid step, pissed that Jacob had a leash to hold him in place like that.

Spinning to face him, Mitch bowed dramatically.

"Fine. Your highness. You win. Happy?"

"Kinda. Come here and sit with me and I'll decide how happy I feel. If you're good, maybe I'll even entertain a dance with you."

Picking up his phone and shaking it at Mitch had his crazy threatening to show, and he had to swallow multiple times before forcing his feet to take him to the one place he was not interested in the slightest in going.

"Maam! Another shot for this one please."

Mitch gratefully took it and slammed it back before it even hit the bar, as Jacob and two of his joining lackeys laughed in amusement.

Mitch and NoahWhere stories live. Discover now