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"In my opinion, there's just something magical about crustless sandwiches cut in just the right sized triangles that speaks to my soul."

Mitch laughed at the model worthy man beside him, his heart racing with the dominating presence of his sandy, surfer styled locks and immense, piercing blue eyes.

He was grateful to have the road to stare at.

Noah was more enticing in such close proximity, his fresh, outdoorsy smell especially, and his mind brought him back to the first time he had seen him at Amelia's BBQ, when Gregory and Ash had gotten engaged.

He had drooled the second he had seen the young man, as he was physically everything and more than Mitch's most intimate fantasies, and he couldn't stop himself from lusting for a moment, even if after that moment he resolved to not go there mentally again.

That man was quite literally out of his league in more ways than Mitch could count, and he tried hard to calm his insides from wanting to flip with feeling as he made small talk beside him.

He had ignored small crushes before and would do so now.

Sitting up straighter and with resolve, Mitch imagined Noah as Jacob, realizing it helped a lot, even if his smell was nowhere as offensive on the nose.

His pulse calmed to normal and his forehead and back stopped sweating, helping him to finally relax enough to just be himself.

"So, tell me something about yourself that nobody knows."


Mitch could practically feel Noah's eyes as they looked up from his hands in question and went into deep thought.

"I'm a runner, I'm a track star."


"Hehe meme from a few years ago."


Mitch had no idea what Noah was talking about but smiled his best understanding smile as Noah laughed in response.

"You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? Ha. It just means when the times get tough, I tend to get going, versus face it. Don't tell Grace I told you that though, she'll try to murder me in my sleep if she thinks I might leave her alone before she's ready."

Mitch chuckled.

"Grace? A murderer? I can't see it."

"Oh, believe me, that just means you don't know her the way I do. I'm sure if I had Ash here, he would back me up, that lady be cray."

They both laughed as they spoke more on Grace and her life, and Mitch hated to see Amelia's compound so soon in the distance with the amazing vibe they had going.

"Amelia's house is really so amazing. I still can't get over it."

"Seriously. I've only been her lawyer for a couple of years, but I still find something I haven't noticed whenever I come to visit. It's like an ever-changing museum of random."

"Yeah, from people to things."

As If Noah's words were prediction, Mitch pulled up and they could see the luncheon was not going to be quite the same private affair as the last one. Many strangers were pulling up in time with them, all in semi formal dress, making Mitch and Noah both look at each other's outfits in unison before looking at each other and laughing.

"I swear Amelia is doing this on purpose."

"For as long as I've known her, she's always pulling some stunt, so we might as well go along with it, it's easiest that way. I'm sure she would have mentioned to us to wear something specific if she had wanted it."

Mitch and NoahWhere stories live. Discover now