Mitch~ Acquaintance

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"Oh, uh, yeah, well, I'm still figuring things out. Permanently committing to parenting Rowan might not be a valid option."

Noah looked surprised at Mitch's answer, but didn't say anything more, instead looking out the front window with a far-away look that had Mitch wondering just what was going on in his head.

His brain stuttered as he tried to explain himself to a man he barely knew, except for the fact that he smelled better and was more pulling on his mind and body than anyone he'd ever met.

"I mean, I have always dreamed of having a family and kids one day, but never this suddenly, not when I just quit my job and have no real prospects in mind for the future except to survive and figure myself out."

Noah's shocked look had Mitch realizing that he really HADN'T heard much from Grace on what was going on with him.

"You quit? Why, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Probably because A, I had assholes for bosses, B, one of which wouldn't leave me the fuck alone, and C, the place was a snooze-fest to begin with, even more so now that I'm gone."

Mitch realized he was angrily ranting and stopped himself before he let too much of his crazy show.

"Oh, shit, sorry."

"Doesn't bother me, unless it's anger directed my way. It's healthy to get it out."

"I don't think I can imagine anyone looking at you in anger. I mean, look at you."

He flipped the passenger mirror down.

Noah's attempt at hiding a pleased blush as he flipped it back and changed the subject did not stop Mitch's body from reacting to the utter cuteness that Noah's whole innocent-surfer-vibe gave off.

"I'm sorry you had to have such terrible coworkers that it forced you to leave. Isn't that considered harassment?"

"Ha. I'm a good lawyer, but even I wouldn't try filing a harassment lawsuit against some of the best lawyers in the state. Anyway, It's no biggie. The only thing they had that's even a real loss to me, is their high-paying clientele list and prestigious name. I mean, I still have Amelia, as well as Ash and Gregory as far as I know, but other than that, I don't really have any other clients, or a professional place to practice. Not yet anyway. I want to do this forever? I'm starting to wonder."

"Well, It's good you have some income still coming in while you figure it all out."

"Yeah, that's true, but I can't rely on Ms. Amelia to be needing a ton of lawyer work for me forever, even if she has been keeping me especially busy this last year and a half."

"Well, if I had some lawyering I needed done, and some money, I would totally hire you."

Noah's smile was so dazzling that Mitch had to look away to concentrate on driving.

"Uh, thanks, heh."

There was something about this shorter, younger man that did something to Mitch. Something about the way the whole inside of the car felt just having him nearby.

It was addicting.

He knew there was no chance in hell, especially with everything going on in his life, that he could ever go further than a daydream with Noah. But man was it tempting to want to try more.

"So, Noah. Tell me a little bit more about yourself."

"Um... like what?"

His deer in the headlights look was so insanely adorable, Mitch couldn't stop a smile of pleasure from spreading over his face as he shamelessly stole glances.

"Hmmm....Let's see. What's your favorite food? Start with something easy."

"Easy for you maybe."

Noah looked as though he was in deep thought before sheepishly looking at Mitch.

"I'm not sure."

"Well, when you go grocery shopping, what do you pick for yourself to eat?"

"I mainly just buy whatever Grace is getting, or eat something that's quick and easy at the convenience store, but none of it is particularly what I would consider my favorite."

Mitch chuckled.

"This is going to be harder than I expected."

"I'm sorry. I'm actually great at making decisions all the time, just not ones that involve me."

Mitch loved Noah's thinking, as it was along the same lines as his.

"You know, I'm the same way! Haha. Maybe we need to hang out more, so that we can help each other with all the unwanted decisions."

"Right? Hehe."

Mitch had never felt so giddy.

Hearing Noah agree that they should spend more time together, had him basking in unfamiliar feels, even as a deeper part of his subconscious reminded him that this was not someone he deserved to, or would ever, have.

That wouldn't stop him from finding out as much as he could about his newest obsession.

"O.K., well, how about color? Do you have a favorite color?"

"Maybe...Purple. Though I think it changes with my mood."

"That makes sense."

"How about you?"

"Hmm well, I think my favorite food would have to be Anything chicken and rice, as long as it's flavorful, and my favorite color at this point of my life would be ble, considering it looks good on me."


It was Mitch's turn to blush in silence as he cleared his throat and smiled.

"So, how do you know Grace and Ash?"

"It's a long story, but I met Grace through a mutual friend, and I needed to get away from my old...situation, so she offered me a job and place to stay while I get on my feet, get some savings, and somehow decide what to do with my life. I guess we are almost on the same path, except I don't even have a clue as to what I want to do with my future. I met Ash through Grace, and well, his personality makes it almost impossible to not become instant friends."

Mitch was surprised to feel a pang of jealousy in hearing the fondness for Ash. Maybe because Mitch couldn't yet be considered anything but an acquaintance to Noah. He laughed internally at himself for being so silly.

"I actually have a meeting with him coming up once I return from our trip."

"Oh, really? Is it about Gregory and him adopting a new baby? I may have heard something about it. I know they're very excited. Abby too."

"Ha, I'm sure they are. While I can neither confirm nor deny your question, I will say that Ash and Gregory are such a wonderful set of parents, so when they DO have another child...waiiiit."

An idea popped into his head.

What if the solution to everything had been right in his face the whole time?

"Huh? What?"

Mitch wasn't ready to share his excitement, as he had a lot he needed to figure out about Rowan and who he was as a toddler before even uttering his idea into existence.

"Oh, nothing, I just got a glance at the time, and we are already an hour and a half in, I'm shocked how fast this is going."

"I'm not. They say good company is a better time killer than anything."

"No wonder it's only felt like 5 minutes. Haha. Well, Noah, it seems you just might have to be my designated trip buddy for all of my adventures from this point on."

Mitch's heart blipped dangerously at the pleased look on Noah's face as he quietly responded.

"I'm always up for a road trip."

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