Mitch~ Official

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Holding Noah in a tight embrace, Mitch couldn't get his arms to release, even as he reminded himself that his love would be a whole lot more comfortable in his pajamas. Letting go would end their first intimate moment, in his eyes, and he wanted to drag out the feeling of luxury for just a few seconds more.

A stir from Rowan had Mitch finally letting go and turning to check on him, and his heart again blipped with love. How could it all happen so fast? He didn't know or care at that point, just wanted more than anything to keep the now 2 most important people in the world to him by his side.

It was time to have a conversation with Noah, before life intervened and made things harder, or pulled them apart somehow. He shook the horrible thought away as he fiddled with Rowan's blanket.

"Hey, so, I was hoping we could talk."

Mitch looked at the floor as he rose to fetch Noah's bag from his bed in the room, purposefully leaving his words to hang in the air.

Noah's look of worry upon return had Mitch feeling guilty as he dropped the bag softly in front of him and smiled reassuringly.

"Don't worry. You're not in trouble. Haha. You have a look that says you're worried."

Noah's broad smile in return was a shot to the heart.

"I wanted to give you a chance maybe to get dressed first, if you want."

"That's ok."

Noah gestured for Mitch to continue.

"Okay. Cool."

Mitch ran a hand through his hair as he contemplated how to start, the worry that Noah might say no to becoming his, starting to churn uncomfortably in the pit of his stomach.

He cleared his throat and began,

"So, having you come on this trip with me was a pleasant surprise, and honestly, now that it's all said and done, I wouldn't have picked anyone else to have gone with me. You helped me in more ways than I even knew I needed help, and I can't imagine going on another road trip without you. Ever. Er...what I mean is..."

Noah's stares and Mitch's stomach threatening to puke had him tongue-tied for a second before continuing a little too loudly.

"Will you go out with me, or..I know, be my boyfriend?"

The word boyfriend sounded strange on his tongue as he spoke it, but the thought of Noah taking on the role did not.

A flurry of words in his brain attempted to escape from his mouth, all things that might convince Noah to say yes, to ensure Mitch's happiness that he had been feeling just from being near him, but he couldn't seem to get them out; could only stare at a shocked-faced Noah, whose silence was beginning to be much too long for comfort.


Rowan's voice had the air changing instantly as Mitch spun to him sitting up with a thumb in his mouth, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey bud!"

Mitch walked over and sat next to Rowan, who climbed into his lap instantly and rested on his chest. Putting his arms around him, he once again couldn't believe how fast, yet naturally, everything was happening.

"I'll be right back. Gonna change into my PJ's."

Mitch didn't dare look up, only nodding curtly as he cuddled Rowan, who was falling back to sleep in his arms.

If Noah needed time, Mitch could accept it, it was completely understandable. There was a lot to say yes to, considering Mitch now had Rowan for life, and he was going to be super busy trying to get his own firm off the ground in addition to his aunt's need for an involved guardian.

Aunt Rose would never again experience abuse again as long as she was under his supervision, that much he knew for damn sure.

He also knew focusing on his work would be important to be able to provide what was needed for his new family financially, and he was more motivated than ever to succeed in that point. Amelia popped randomly into his mind, and he knew that he would need to give her an update soon on everything, if he didn't want her randomly showing up that was.

Having her as a client and potential helper in acquiring new ones, he was grateful for the true friendship they'd evolved over the years, even with his stubborn, non-sharing attitude.

Amelia's gossip-loving nature and tendency to meddle were some of her best qualities, if he had to name just a few, but they were hard for him when he wasn't ready to explain anything to anyone just yet. Not until Noah gave him an answer of some kind.

Murmuring soft words of comfort, Mitch did all he could to soothe Rowan back into a deep sleep, and as he got heavier and heavier in his arms, Noah crept in the room timidly. Walking to his bag he stuffed his clothes inside.

"Hey, I can wash some things for you if you want. I have a washer and dryer in the hall closet just through there."

"That's O.k. I'll probably head home as soon as we're rested enough so I can get some new things to wear and such. Then we can head to the store if you still wanted to do that."

Mitch's mind tried hard to concentrate on their conversation, as the only thing he could focus on was the thought that Noah might be thinking of a kind way to turn him down, and the thought was painful.

"Yeah, yeah. I'd love that. Sounds like a plan."

He winked at Noah before looking down at an again fast asleep Rowan in his arms. No matter what happened with Noah, Rowan needed him more than anything, and he focused his mind on that thought.

"I...I would like to try."

Mitch's chest about imploded with excitement as he did his best to stay still and calm in spite of it.


"You know, being Boyfriends."

Mitch slowly and carefully put down Rowan, who was again sleeping like a rock. Slowly rising, Mitch walked over to grab Noah's right arm and pull him to his chest, where he fit perfectly.

"I don't believe in try. Only in do. I promise you I'll be the best boyfriend you've ever had."

"Me too."

Mitch's heart leapt with joy as he embraced his love and kissed him on the head.

"You're mine now, my sweet. I promise to always take care of you."

As Noah snuggled into him, Mitch's heart skipped a beat.

"Now, let's get some sleep, before Rowan wakes up for real."

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