Noah~Luncheon Plan

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"He's an expert in flattery, dear Noah. It's gotten him this far, so I'd say he's a definite guru on that subject."

Noah couldn't help responding in kind to Amelia's bright, cheery disposition as she waggled her brows and looked pointedly at Mitch.

He understood her drift, and while the thought was more tempting than he dared to think too hard on, he could tell from the look of panic as Mitch realized her plans and searched for the closest exit, that he was not feeling the same vibes.

As was normal in life for him it seemed. Noah always wanted what he couldn't have and was wanted by those that he wouldn't have in a million years.

Most likely because he was destined to be a nomad forever, lonely and alone.

"You alright?"

Mitch's concerned face directed his way was unexpected as he brought himself out of his spiraling mind, and it made him blush to have such gorgeous eyes directed right at him.

"He, yeah, spaced out. Something I tend to do sometimes. Surprising since there's really nothing going on in there."

"Ha, or maybe there's Everything going on in there."

Amelia's words hit too close to home and Noah smiled in feigned ignorance as he grabbed a nearby glass and lifted in in a toast motion.

"To Amelia and her delicious tiny sandwiches."

"Here, here."

Mitch's laugh as he clinked glasses with Amelia and himself was sexy, and Noah wished he was funnier just so he could prompt it again, and as often as possible.

"I see how it is, nobody comes to visit ME, it's the tiny sandwiches you're all after."

Mitch laughed heartily again, and Noah looked in dazed wonder at him, his heart racing.

He shook his head, looking quickly towards Amelia as Mitch responded.

"No, no! I was excited to visit you even BEFORE I knew you served such delicious delicacies."

"They're not delicacies I'm sure you could make them at home just as easy."

"It's not the same as eating it with YOU here, something about the atmosphere, and maybe the extra love your cook put into these tiny things-"

Mitch grabbed the nearest sandwich, stuffing it into his mouth before continuing.

"-but they are delicious when eaten in your company."

Amelia and Noah bust out laughing, with Mitch's crooked smile and shining eyes etching themselves into Noah's mental spank bank, through no choice of his own.

Something about that man's face being in full on joy made Noah want to straight jump on him then and there, his face and body burning at the imagining.

"I want a banana and mayo Sammie!"

Abby's little voice got louder as she ran over, out of breath and ready to chug the nearest glass of water she could find.

Ash came up behind in time to grab a plastic cup specifically put out for her, and helped her to drink it with minimal spillage.

"There ya go Abbily babbily. I don't think they'll have that sammie here."

Noah turned to Ash with a look of disgust.

"Banana and MAYO!? Heck no. What kind of heathens do you have feeding her at lunchtime?"

Ash laughed while defensively crossing his arms.

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