//Chapter 4//

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Chapter Aesthetics:

Chapter Aesthetics:

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When I was twelve, my father left. He didn't leave to go on a mission to save the world, he didn't leave because his presence was having a negative influence on our lives- he just left one day after having the usual fight with my mother. Left me to my mother. Nobody really explain anything to me except I remember a couple of men in suits coming over to our house, sitting me down and asking me if my father had ever hurt me. I had told them no, he would never hurt me.

That night when I lay awake, my eyes too exhausted to cry, I decided that I'd break free from my mother's clutches if my life depended on it. Its been years since I made myself that promise. Years of acting like a robot, waiting for high school to end, and now it has.

The only problem is that freedom for me has come in the form of Zayn Mulfar.

Seid's older brother, the one that left the town's private school mysteriously and moved to Weldwidge High and then he moved to Italy and came back a year later, hot and mysterious as ever.

It was well known all around Beaufort that the two boys didn't exactly have that great a relationship. Neither bothered the other and remained at a safe distance. I've always wondered why- along with the rest of the town.

"You will make the most gorgeous bride," Mrs. Mulfar breaks me out of my reverie.

All eyes are cast on me and I can feel myself turn crimson.

What is with this woman intent on making me uncomfortable?

"Well of course that's not for another four years," Mr. Mulfar chimes in, "Isn't that right Zayn?"

Zayn simply nods.

I haven't heard him say one word throughout this whole ordeal. What if he's being forced into this as well? Who am I kidding of course he's being forced into this.

The adults start talking business while dessert is served. As I pick at my pudding I steal a glance at Seid, his eyes are on his plate, his face devoid of emotion, probably thinking of all the things he could be doing instead of sitting with his future sister in law and her family.

Sister in law.

A shudder passes through me and the weight of this decision makes me backtrack.

What am I doing?

Suddenly I feel like the walls are closing in. It's easy, agreeing to whatever people expect out of you. And that's what I'm doing- I'm taking the easy way out- like I always do.

You see, some people- well actually most people love having choices. They love the fact that they have the power to make their own decisions. Unfortunately for me, I'm not one of those people. I hate having to make choices. Hell, I can't even decide what cereal to eat in the morning. I've always let my mother and other people make decisions for me, and I can't say that I've ever felt like I was doing something wrong, standing on the sidelines of my life, watching everything play out the way other people want it to.

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