//Chapter 10//

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Chapter Aesthetics:

Chapter Aesthetics:

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A couple of moments of awkward silence pass while we're both wondering what to say. 

I'm starting to think I have the shittiest luck in the world, I must've done something awfully terrible to someone to deserve such shit.

"What are you doing here?" he calmly repeats.

"This is my apartment, what are you doing here?" I fire back.

"What are you talking about? The university allotted me this apartment,"

"What university?" I shriek, it had never crossed my mind to ever even ask him what university he had gotten into.

"California community college," he says, his voice dripping in unappreciated sarcasm, "NYU obviously,"

"You've got to be kidding me," I piece the whole situation together, "You're my roommate?"

"No way-" He looks confused, "Am I?"

"No, they'd never pair me up with a guy, that's just... unethical?"

"Unethical?" he scoffs.

"Yes," I reply indignantly, "Unethical." 

"Show me your school form," he says, rolling his eyes.

I take it out of my bag and hand it over to him, he inspects it critically and frowns.

"Yep, we've been room-mated."

"That's not a word," I reply, "And you got in on scholarship?"

"Yes," He scowls at me, "Yes I did."

"Well, as much as you want to, we're not sharing this apartment," I tell him and stand up.

"Hey," His loud voice jolts me and he steps closer to me till we're practically nose to nose, "The last thing I want is to share an apartment with you."


"Last thing I want is to share an apartment with you," I retort and I know it was weak but I couldn't think of anything else. 

"And why is that?" He steps even closer to me.

"Because," I breathe out, "it's just wrong."

"Ethically speaking?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Yes, and religiously speaking," I say defiantly, hoping to jab at his religious morals.

"Says the girl in short shorts who can never turn down a glass of good scotch and has no issues with the fact that her fiance sleeps around" his voice is so filled with malice, I actually stagger back a few feet. 

His words bring tears to my eyes even though I know I shouldn't care less about what he says or thinks. He doesn't even know me, but it still hurts. 

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