//Chapter 8//

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Chapter Aesthetics: 

Chapter Aesthetics: 

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Waking up in a bed that is not yours for the first time in your life is oddly discomfiting. Having had protective parents, I was never allowed to sleepover with a friend- not even Scarlet, and vacations in my family were extremely rare- almost unheard of. So when I'm in a completely different setting for the first time in a long time, when I open my eyes, I panic. The panic goes away slowly as memories and recollection set in. 

Stretching out and yawning, I slide out of the warm bed and walk to the adjoined bathroom, staring  at my reflection in the huge mirror above the sink, I let out a sigh. It really isn't a good feeling- looking at your reflection and not liking what you see. Sometimes I honestly wished I was Scarlet- she was flawlessly beautiful without trying and even if she wasn't she'd be confident with herself regardless. 

Thinking of Scarlet led to thinking of yesterday's events which led bile to rise up my throat. I acted like a weakling- didn't even confront Zayn- didn't argue, I just ran. 

Frustrated- I run a hand through my unmanageable hair and splash cold water on my face and brush my teeth with the extra toothbrush provided by the motel. 

Still clad in Seid's long t-shirt, I slip on my shoes, take a few deep breaths and walk out the motel room. 

Walking to the guys' room, I'm a nervous wreck- wiping my clammy hands on my bare legs and giving myself the hundredth pep talk- I knock once on their door and resist the strong urge to run downstairs, catch a cab and avoid everyone for the rest of my life.

Unfortunately for me, The door instantly opened and there stood Seid- with bedhead, and donned only in boxers- I look away, blushing profusely.

He opens his mouth to say something but I speak before he gets a chance to, "Please tell Scarlet I'll be waiting for her at the car,"

"Okay," he runs a hand through his hair, "But Amira, my brother wants to talk to you," 

I cross my arms over my chest. 


"You know what about," 

"I don't have anything to say, and he shouldn't apologize it's not like we're married or anything," 

"But you will be," 

I let out an exasperated groan, "Look Seid, it doesn't bother me," lie "tell him to just let it go okay?"

"It should bother you," he argues and I glare at him. Who's he to tell me what should and shouldn't bother me? 

"But it doesn't," 

"Okay sure," he rolls his eyes at me, "I'll tell Scarlet you're waiting." 

With that he turns around and slams the door in my face. Just when I had started thinking he wasn't as much of a jerk as I made him out to be. 

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