Author's Note

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Hey guys so this is random but I feel like this is MUCH needed because I've been getting a lot of messages asking lots of different questions so I thought hey why not just have little note. 

First of all- so Amira's story is (sadly) ending soon, I have like 4-5 chapters left that I need to get out there and I guess a lot of you saw that this was coming to a close and wanted to know if there will be a sequel. Well, to be completely honest with you I don't know. But the more I think abut it the more I feel like I need to tell Amira and Seid's story more thoroughly? I don't know guys. it's a huge MAYBE.

Secondly, I got lots of judgmental messages asking me why the hell Seid got drunk after their phone call and the answer is; BECAUSE HE'S HUMAN. So far I've portrayed the guy as pretty damn flawless which is so unrealistic. Truth is- he is human, he has flaws and lapses and low points and he makes mistakes. so there. 

Third of all, I started this story when I was fifteen and I'm ending it now as an eighteen year old so there are a lot of mistakes in the beginning and the more I read back the more I see how things aren't really tying up because of the huge gap between some of the chapters. So I'll definitely be going back and editing after finishing the story. So if you find an error in anything- continuity/character appearance/ ANYTHING AT ALL, do comment and let me know so I can fix it.

ALSO If you go back and re-read or you're a new reader you will notice that I've started uploading chapter aesthetics WHICH ARE SO MUCH FUN TO MAKE. Hope you guys like them too! And I've given every chapter its background music/song. 

And that's about it I guess! 

I am going to work on more stories and I'm currently writing Figured You Out which you can check out on my profile!

Sorry if you thought this was an update! I'll be updating some time this week.


Vivian Blue

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