//Chapter 23//

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Chapter Aesthetics: 

Chapter Aesthetics: 

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Seid arrives in under five minutes looking frazzled and concerned. 

"Where were you?" He grabs my arm, making me stand up. 

"What do you mean?" I twist my arm out of his grasp. 

"Where were you?" He repeats through gritted teeth. 

"Why do you care?" I counter, why is he getting angry? I don't have to tell him where I go every single time I step out of the apartment, he's not my chaperone. 

"Do you have any idea-" 

"What?" I cut him off and immediately regret it, I want to hear what he has to say, "What?" I repeat gently. 

"Do you  guys usually just talk in questions?" Khadija intervenes and Seid's eyes fly to her as if suddenly remembering that she's there.

"No, we sometimes shout as well," he answers rudely. 

"What's your problem?" I finally just ask. 

"What's my problem? My problem is that I get a call from my brother's girlfriend-"

"Ex girlfriend," Khadija says, interrupting him. 

"Yeah right," Seid scoffs and I flinch at his tone. 

Whoever this Kate is, I'm certain I'm gonna be hearing her name a lot in the procession of the coming weeks- months maybe. Years?

"I should go, you both need to talk," Khadija gets up and grabs her bag. 

An unexpected bout of panic flies through me at the thought of being alone with Seid, something in his eyes tell me he's not here just because he was concerned for my safety, he never has been before. I feel like he's a predator and I'm his prey and as Khadija starts to walk away from us, for the first time since I've met Seid Mulfar, I'm terrified of him- not of him, I know he'd never ever hurt me but I'm terrified of what he might say. 

"Stay," My voice is weak and strangled but it's loud enough to make Khadija stop in her tracks.

"What?" She asks, turning around to face us.

"You don't have to leave," I sound like a weakling, I know. I look her in the eyes, pleadingly, in beggary, hoping she understands that I can't be with Seid right now, I can't. 

"I really have to go," She looks me straight in the eyes and I can see the reassurance in her eyes and I know then and there that she's gonna desert me, "I have a meeting with some social workers." 

She then starts walking towards me and pulls me in for a hug. Whilst letting go she gets close and whispers in my ear, "Trust him." 

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