//Chapter 6//

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Chapter Aesthetics: 

Chapter Aesthetics: 

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"Will you please relax Amira?"

"No I will not relax. This is a suicide mission," I hiss back at Scarlet who I'm starting to think escaped from an asylum and is actually a raging sociopath. Nothing else could possibly justify her 'fool proof' plan to throw herself at Marrs Whitman.

"Okay, then will you at least stop gripping onto the dashboard so tight? You're distracting me,"

"How does this distract you?" I tighten my hold.

"It just does okay? Now quit it," Scarlet replies through gritted teeth.

I slump back in my seat resignedly. She's going to do it and I know that nothing would stop her now.

"So, we'll act like we just needed a place to rest and then I'll use my super seducing moves and obviously they'll ask us to stick around and.."

"...And you'll shove your tongue down Marrs Whitman's throat" I finish for her.

"Yeah," she squeals and grins brightly.

"You realize that things will be beyond awkward for me and Seid right?"

"What do I always say?" Scarlet asks in her preacher voice, "Nothing is ever awkward until you start thinking it's awkward,"

I internally groan and mouth the words as she says them.

"I hope Martha Valent didn't lie about where the boys are staying, I really don't want all this time to go to waste," I say after a while.

I also don't want you to be let down I silently add. Hyper, jumpy, drunk Scarlet I could handle. But I'll never be able to handle disappointed Scarlet.

"She won't lie to me," Scarlet says reassuringly and I nod.

I hope for both of our sakes she didn't lie.

Half an hour later, we reach the motel. It's small with a signboard that says 'Boss's Castle'. There are four cars in the parking lot and to Scarlet's delight- and my dismay- the red Chevrolet is among them.

"Now what?" I ask already dreading the answer.

"Now," Scarlet replies dramatically, "We find the boys,"

She reapplies her lipstick as I roll my eyes and climb out of he car.

"You know, that this can go horribly wrong right?" I ask.

"Yeah," She replies, flipping out her phone and sending a quick text to God knows who and smirking slightly. "Let's go,"

I drag my feet and she skips to the lobby of the beaten down motel.

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