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Preston hadn't gotten any sleep that night. He was exhausted, he hadn't slept in days, and now, even though he was safe, he still couldn't seem to drift off. He rested his eyes and steadied his breathing, but that's about the only rest he got. 

He was woken up bright and early the next morning by one of the nurses. His mom had slept on the mini couch in the hospital room, and stretched as the nurse walked in, turning on the bright light without warning. Preston sighed. 

"Good morning. Preston Oliver?" She asked kindly. The boy nodded. 

"Alright, I have a drug test I wanna start. Then we're gonna get you some breakfast, so you can take your pain meds. A little bit later this morning, we're gonna get you a CAT scan to check for a concussed head." The nurse explained the plan for the morning. 

"When can he have visitors today?" His mom asked. 

"Once his CAT scan is over, anyone is free to visit. The exact time is to be determined, but sometime around lunch." The nurse explained. Eliza nodded and pulled out her phone, most likely texting Preston's friends and family, and of course his girlfriend. "Okay, since its been a couple weeks, we'll be lucky to get signs of the drug she used on you, but it should still be in your blood line. I'm gonna hook you up to this IV. I need you to relax your arm and take a deep breath for me." 

Preston did as he was told and he grimaced as he felt a needle prick his skin. She taped the needle in place and his arm began to feel weak as the blood ran through the hose like tube into a bag. A few minutes later, the nurse examined the bag and unclipped the needle from his arm. 

She immediately cleaned the prick mark and placed a small circular bandaid over it. She removed the tube from the bag and sealed the bag shut. 

"Alright, I'm gonna send this to the lab, we should have the results back late this afternoon. When I come back, I'll bring you some breakfast and your pain meds. How does pancakes, eggs, and sausage sound?" She asked sweetly. 

"Sounds great." Preston smiled lightly. 

"Great. And to drink?" She asked. 

"Could I just have water please?" He asked. She nodded happily and grabbed the bag, exiting the room. 


It was only about 20 minutes later when the nurse wheeled in a full cart. 

"Alrighty, I sent the blood work to the lab, and I got your breakfast and pain meds ready to go. First I'm gonna check your heartbeat and blood pressure." She said kindly. She put a clip onto his finger and his heart rate appeared on the screen. She took notes on a computer and then put a stethoscope around her neck. She put it in her ears and checked his heartbeat that was as well. Again, she wrote down notes on her computer. 

She then grabbed the blood pressure cuff and wrapped it around his arm. She checked the blood pressure rates and noted it on her computer. She then removed the heart monitor and got his breakfast set up around him. He ate and once he finished, the nurse gave him the cup of water and his meds. 

Once he took all the pills, the nurse addressed him yet again. 

"Alright, I'll be back in about a half an hour and we'll get that CAT scan done for you." She replied with a thumbs up. She exited the room. Preston scrolled on his phone and texted his friends and girlfriend and of course his dad and brother. They were staying at a hotel near here until visiting hours. 


Once the half hour passed, the woman came back in. 

"Okay, we're gonna get you up and moving to get to the CAT scan, but since you've undergone trauma, we want to keep your heart racing monitored. I'm gonna hook you up to an EKG machine. It won't hurt, its just some sticky patches and then some clips attached to those." She explained. (AUTHORS NOTE: AS A FAMILIAR TO EKG'S, THEY DON'T HURT, BUT THEY ARE HELLA ANNOYING AND ITS A PAIN IN THE BUTT TO GET THE ADHESIVE MARKS OFF WHEN YOU'RE DONE!) Preston nodded. The woman prepped his stomach area with alcohol wipes and then applied the sticky patches. She hooked on the clips and told him to hold on a minute. 

She came back with a wheelchair as it still hurt for Preston to walk. She helped him get into it and she pushed the wheelchair into the CAT scan room, bringing the mobile EKG machine with them. Once they made it into the room, the clips were taken off and Preston entered the tube. The scan took about an hour and a half and he eventually made it back to the room. 

"A lab specialist was just in here and he said the results are in the file on your desk." Eliza said to the nurse as her and Preston entered the room. 

"Alright, thank you." The nurse walked over and examined the file, nodding lightly. "We found the culprit. Ketamine. A drug that has been proven with use of rapists and sexual predators to knock out their victims. Very powerful and a little goes a long way. When she gave you that drink, she probably just sprinkled a little bit of the powder in a normal drink and bam, you're asleep." 

"That makes sense." Preston sighed. 


A few hours later, the Downey family, the rest of the Oliver's, and Madeleine and Landon were sitting in the hospital room. They were all just talking and making jokes and telling stories until the police officer from before walked into the room. 

"Hello, Preston. We heard about the drug test and the CAT scan. We've been informed to tell you that the drug wasn't too strong that its not gonna cause long term effects so that's good, and you also don't have a concussion, so that's good as well. No brain damage. We do have some unfortunate news though, Kyliegh is still in custody and there is a court hearing scheduled for next week. You and I are gonna set up a date sometime before then to talk about what you wanna say in court. As for what its about, that's the bad news. Kyliegh's doctor gave us this today." The officer said, handing Preston a little item. 

His face fell and his lip began to quiver. 

"What is it, Pres?" Landon asked. 

Tears began to fall from his eyes. 

"A pregnancy test." He responded simply. 

Everyone gasped. 

OMG! here we go! main story line hit! hope you enjoy! new chapter should be up fairly soon, but i don't have a specific release date yet! WORD COUNT: 1149

The Affects of SOSS (Preston Oliver) (Secrets of Sulphur Springs)Where stories live. Discover now