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"Preston, its going to be okay, you just need to breathe, lovey." Indie comforted. She had her arms wrapped around him and she rubbed his back. Jacob sat on the other side of the boy, comforting hand on his shoulder. 

"No, this is not okay." Preston protested, tears cascading from his greenish brownish eyes. Eliza got up and walked over to her son, kneeling down in front of him. 

"Honey, its alright. You can do this. I'll come in with you." The woman reassured. 

"No, mom, I can't!" He blurted out. Eliza sighed and looked over at the nurse who had an apologetic look on her face. 

"Preston, we need to run some tests a little later, and this'll be much better for you if you get this over and done with now." The nurse tried to reason. He shook his head violently, tears not stopping. 

"NO!" He cried. The nurse shrugged and Eliza sighed. 

"Okay, hon, you don't have to right now, but you will soon." Eliza stated. Preston took a shaky breath. Eliza stood up and approached the nurse, speaking to her in hushed tones. 

"I'll call officer Felisha and when she's here, we'll bring him in." She explained. The nurse nodded before retreating into Kyliegh's room. 

Eliza walked over to Jennifer and whispered something in her ear before walking down the hallway to find a more private area to contact the officer. Jennifer stood up and walked over to the boy, gesturing for her kids to go sit down. Jacob and Indie reluctantly walked away from Preston and sat next to their father. 

Jennifer knelt in front of Preston and hugged him tightly. He collapsed into her arms, sobbing. 

"I know, sweetheart. I've got you. We're all here for you. Let's have you sit down, pumpkin." Jennifer calmed him down. She stood up and offered her hand to the boy. He looked up at her with teary eyes, but eventually grabbed her hand and let her pull him off the ground. 

She led him over to a chair outside the labor room and had him sit down. 

"Deep breaths, Preston." Jennifer instructed. The boy did as he was told, Jennifer rubbing his back as he tried to steady his breathing and calm down. A few minutes later, Eliza came back and whispered something to RDJ before walking over and taking Jennifer's place next to her son. 

About 20 minutes later, a fully uniformed officer Felisha entered the premises. 

"Hello, everyone." She greeted solemnly. Preston tilted his head in confusion as everyone greeted her. 

"Preston, you ready to go in now?" Eliza asked gently. His face fell as he understood why the officer was here. Tears brimmed again. 

"Mom...." He tried. 

"Preston, I need you to go in. Everything will be okay, and once inside, you don't have to do anything you don't wanna do." The officer reassured. Preston looked scared, but he knew he had no choice, so he complied. He nodded lightly and followed his mom and the officer into the room. 


It was only 7 minutes later when Preston retreated from the room, tears streaming down his face and on the verge of a panic attack. He ran to his girlfriend and Indigo caught him in her arms, engulfing him in a comforting hug. She set her hand on the back of his head, stroking his hair and rubbing his back with her other hand. 

She teared up as she listened to his disconsolate whimpers. Eliza calmly walked out of the room behind her son, tears shining in her green eyes. Officer Felisha set a hand on the woman's shoulder, understanding her pain. 

"What happened?" Robert asked delicately. 

"Well, the nurse explained what Preston's gonna have to go through and things like that over the next few hours and lets just say, Preston's having a bit of a rough day so far." Officer Felisha sighed. 

Preston let out a sob, clearly agreeing with the officer. She frowned. Indie didn't release the boy from her comforting grasp. 


An hour later, Preston found himself on the first floor of the hospital, sitting in a room full of IV's and wires. He nervously bounced his leg from his position in the bright yellow chair. His mother sat in the corner on a small wooden chair by the door. Indigo stood next to him, rubbing his shoulder as they waited for the phlebotomist. 

"Hello, Preston Oliver?" A black haired man asked as he entered the small room. 

"Yes." Preston responded simply. 

"I heard what's going on, and I'm very sorry for all of this. I'm Dr. Whale. I'll be drawing your blood sample today. The police want it analyzed, I'm sorry, I don't have all the information. You ready?" The man asked kindly. Preston took a deep breath and nodded. 

He never had a problem with needles unlike many members of his family, but today was different. He was so on edge, anything could set him off. 

"Alrighty, here we go." The man said. He washed his hands in the small sink and then put on a pair of blue rubber gloves. He grabbed a sterilized needle and told Preston to make a fist. The boy closed his eyes and just tried to breathe. 

Before he knew it, it was done and over with. Probably the easiest part of the day for the young boy. 

"Good job, Preston! I'll get this to the police right away. Feel better." He said with a smile. He wrapped the boys arm where the needle poke once was and washed his hands as he waved to the three as they walked out the door, headed back upstairs where the rest of the group was now waiting outside a long term care room that Kyliegh and the baby were now staying in. 


It had been a long day for everyone. It was now 8:30 PM and the Downey's and Oliver's were still waiting outside the long term care unit room. Preston had unfortunately been in and out of the room a few times during the day due to various tests and lore. 

The two family's had just finished eating in the hospital cafeteria and Indigo noticed that Preston didn't touch his meal. Like...at all. 

"Could Pres and I go for a walk around the hospital outside? There's a little garden, and I think we could both use a bit of a break." Indigo explained. Eliza nodded. Indie smiled and gestured for Preston to followed her. The ride down the elevator was silent and the couple eventually made it out of the hospital. She led him around the back of the building to a small community garden. 

The sky was dark and only the dim yellow lights lit the garden's surrounding areas. They were silent as they walked around the garden, Preston trailing behind her slightly the whole walk. 

Indigo spotted a bench and sat down, patting the seat next to her. Preston looked at where she was patting and sat down. 

"Pres, can I tell you something?" Indie asked gently. He nodded. 

"Anything." He muttered. 

"I am so incredibly proud of you. You've been through so much, and although I know its been difficult, you're so strong and I know that this has made you so much braver than you already were. You are amazing, Preston and I love you. And by the way, J told me about your conversation in the bathroom this morning. You could never lose me. In fact, you can't get rid of me, go ahead and try, you'll fail. I love you so much, and I'm proud of you, and I've got your back through thick and thin, love. You're perfect, Preston. Everything is gonna be okay." She comforted. He sniffled and wiped the tears away from his eyes. 

Indie smiled gently at him and pulled him close to her, setting her lips on his. They both smiled into the kiss as Preston relaxed slightly. 


i'm sorry this chapter was kind of rushed, but I knew I had to get something out! hope you guys enjoyed it anyways! love you all, stay golden! <3 <3 


The Affects of SOSS (Preston Oliver) (Secrets of Sulphur Springs)Where stories live. Discover now