*COURT DAY (PT. 2)* Updated!

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"Preston Oliver, Kyliegh Curran, and families?" A woman emerged from the court room.

"F**k." Preston muttered. Everyone's eyes widened.


Preston walked in first, being led over next to a lawyer and officer Felisha. Indie noticed him and the officer talking. Preston sighed and was looking nervous, officer Felisha laying a supportive hand on his shoulder. The Oliver family slid into a bench on the front row of his side. The Downey's slid into the row behind the Oliver family.

Moments later, Kyliegh walked in and was sat across the room from Preston, sitting next to her lawyer. Her family sat in the rows of benches behind her. As she looked over, Preston tensed. He gulped and his lawyer whispered to him. He nodded. Indigo was terrified for him. She knew that he wasn't gonna be able to hold it together, and she was worried for him.

 His anxiety was already through the roof this morning and he'd already broken down twice.

He sat head in hands until the bailiff rose.

"All rise." She announced. An older man walked into the room. He banged the gavel on the desk.

"Court is in session. Defendant Kyliegh Curran and plaintiff Preston Oliver. Rape case. Mr. Saul, how does your client plead to the possible rape, kidnap, and further assault of Preston Oliver?" The judge asked. Kyliegh's lawyer nodded abruptly.

"Not guilty." The man responded.

Not guilty my ass. Indie thought harshly to herself. 

"Mr. Dean, please call your first witness to the stand." The judge addressed Preston's attorney. 

"We would like to call Avery Chase up to the stand." Indigo noticed the pretty blonde girl as one of the girls who found Preston in that abandoned cabin. 

Avery and her friend told the judge what they had seen. Officer Felisha also spoke and eventually the doctor that had originally treated Preston spoke. 

As the doctor recalled what she had seen on Preston's x-rays, Indigo noticed his eyes glaze over. 

Oh no, please don't cry, Preston. Indie thought hopefully to herself. His attorney and witnesses all took their seats and Preston was now breathing heavily at this point, his leg bouncing up and down in an attempt to keep from sobbing at that very moment. 

"Mr. Saul we call your witnesses to stand." The judge addressed Kyliegh's attorney. 

They called Kyliegh's doctor who had given her the pregnancy test, and then Kyliegh's parents. Her father glared at the young boy, Preston faltering under the heavy look of the man. 

"Look away. Don't let him scare you." His lawyer whispered in his ear. Preston looked down at his lap, cracking his knuckles, fidgeting. 

Once all the witnesses had finished, the judge nodded. 

"We call defendant Kyliegh Curran to the stands." The judge said. Indigo glared at the back of the girls head as she approached the stand. 

She stood up at the podium looking professional. She stood straight with her hands crossed. 

"Keep your head down. You don't have to look at her." Preston's attorney advised. Preston kept his head facing his lap. 

"Miss Curran, please explain to me what happened on the night of Preston's disappearance." 

Kyliegh spoke and ranted on a stupid lie that she clearly spent a lot of time and effort on. Indigo had a mean look as she watched the girl speak, but her features softened and she pouted as she looked over at her now crying boyfriend. She knew that just hearing the girls voice scared the living shit out of him. 

His attorney had a gentle hand on the boys back as he held his head in hands. Preston batted at his eyes, sniffling loudly. The judge's face softened. Kyliegh eventually sat back down and Preston breathed carefully. 

"Preston Oliver, plaintiff, please come to the stands." The judge said. Preston looked at his attorney. The lawyer cleared his throat. 

"May I please speak for Preston, your honor?" The man asked. 

"If its okay, I'd actually like to hear the story from Mr. Oliver." The judge stated. Preston sniffled and froze in fear. "But you may approach the desk." 

The attorney walked over to the judge and they spoke in hushed voices. No one could hear what they were saying. 

The lawyer walked back over to Preston. 

"Listen, you don't have to speak in front of the room, just go up to where I was just standing and you only have to tell the judge. Whatever he asks you. Its okay, you've got this, and just tell the truth." He advised. Preston nodded and nervously shuffled up to the judge's desk. 

After a five minute conversation about what happened, Preston wiped a falling tear and the judge handed him a tissue as he trudged back over to his seat. He sat down and Indigo could see the boy trembling from her placement behind him. She sighed and longed to hug him, rub his back, and tell him that everything would be alright. 

The judge sat in silence, shuffling through various papers. The officers and every staff member present in the court room spoke in hushed tones. But the two sides remained silent. Preston didn't turn around. He just sat at his stand, head in hands, leg bounding wildly up and down, and his figure shaking. 

"Is he gonna be okay?" Banks whispered to Indigo. 

"I hope so. I really do." Indigo sighed. Banks laid his head on his sister's shoulder and she laid her head on top of his. Their mom wrapped an arm around the two siblings. Jacob and Robert sat next to each other, stealing wondering glances at the teen boy in front of them, praying that everything would work out. The Oliver's were completely quiet, longing to comfort their little boy. 

The judge eventually rose and hit his gavel once on the desk. 

"All rise." He announced. They did as they were told. "Kyliegh Curran has been charged with the rape, kidnapping, and assault of Preston Oliver. She will be sentenced to time in juvenile detention, the length unknown at this time. Follow up case in one week, 7 days time, until discussion about the pregnancy. Court adjorned." The judge said, banging the gavel. He exited and Preston let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. 

Another officer standing next to officer Felisha handcuffed the girl and led her away as she glared daggers at Preston. His eyes were watery. 

The parents quietly and quickly gathered their things, angered beyond imagine. 

"Damn Oliver, he's freaking fine, if he would just relax and shut his mouth...." Preston's lip trembled as he heard Mr. Curran muttering. 

Preston's shaky legs carried him towards his family. Indigo immediately threw herself onto him, hugging him around the neck, hand stroking his hair. He let the tears fall as he nuzzled into her shoulder. 

"My baby." Mrs. Oliver smiled through teary eyes. He hugged her and wiped his tears. His brother and dad hugged him and the Downey's all gave him a hug. Indigo grabbed his hand and comforted him as they walked out of the court house as a group. 

They walked towards the car and Indigo shielded the young boy from the paparazzi that had gathered out front. This only scared him more and he put his head down when they were in the car, Robert speeding off quickly. 

He laid his head on Indigo's shoulder and she held his hand, rubbing circles onto the back of it. His brother had his arm around him and smiled. 

"I'm proud of you little bro." He said. Preston sniffled and closed his eyes, breathing softly the entire ride back to the Downey household. 

yes, this isn't the original story, I changed it! I didn't like the other one, but this one should advance the story line! hope you enjoyed it! <3

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