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Another day, another drama. (NEW LIFE MOTTO UNLOCKED?!) 

That's the lesson Preston had learned over the past couple weeks. He eventually had managed to sit through two counseling sessions with Kyliegh although he didn't speak much, if he spoke at all that is. 

His mental health was taking a rough turn and everyone was worried about him. His panic attacks were frequent, his depression seemed to be returning at lightning speed, and his motivation for things he once loved was dropping. 

But that all changed one random morning. Preston had had a wonderful day. Indigo didn't know what had brought the pep into his step, but the two went swimming, him and Jacob played basketball in the park, he taught Banks how to play some chords on the electric guitar, and he even helped Mr. Downey with the daily Wordle. 

Him and Indigo had fallen asleep together snuggled up on her bed. Eliza sighed as she walked into the room, seeing the two so comfortable and at peace. What she was about to say and do, would completely demolish all of that. 

She turned the light on and the brightness quickly spread throughout the room. Indigo and Preston both sleepily sat up, confused as they rubbed their eyes and stretched. 

"Mom?" Preston asked. 

"What time is it?" Indigo asked tiredly, picking her phone up off the bedside table. She read the clock as the phone illuminated showing her favorite picture of her and Preston at Disney World together. 

4:00 AM. 

"Why so early, mom?" Preston asked. Another sigh from Eliza. She approached the bed silently and sat on the edge. Preston's face fell as he immediately knew what was happening as he read his mother's expression. "No." 

She nodded. 

"I'm sorry, sweetie." Eliza sniffled, holding tears. Preston shook his head violently. 

"No, I'm not ready!" Preston protested, breathing heavily. Indigo sat up next to the boy, wrapping her arm around his waist, ready to offer comfort, but still very confused herself. 

"What's going on?" Indigo asked. In her defense, she was tired. 

"Kyliegh just went into labor." Eliza explained. 

Here it is. The moment Preston Oliver broke. 

He burst into a round of sobs that woke up the entire house. And by the entire house I mean Banks, who was the only one unaware of the situation. 

The rest of the Downey family was already getting things ready and loading things that they'd need for however long, into the car. 

Eliza was now crying as she watched her youngest whimper and tremble. Indigo struggled to hold her own tears as she laid eyes on her defeated boyfriend. He curled into a ball and Indie wrapped both arms around him, rubbing his back and kissing the top of his head. 

Eliza grabbed the teen boys hand and tried to offer comfort. But Preston didn't want comfort. He just didn't want to be here. At all. Period. 

"I know, sweetie, but everything'll be okay." Eliza reassured. Preston obviously didn't believe her as he choked out another sob. "Indie, could you help him just get ready to go to the hospital?" 

"Of course. When are we leaving?" She asked politely, never releasing Preston from her comforting embrace. 

"In 45 minutes at the latest. We got a bit of a drive ahead of us." Eliza explained. Indie nodded and the woman exited the room. 

Indie released him from the hug as tears rolled down his cheeks, never once stopping the steady flow from his greenish brown eyes. He was trembling so bad, it appeared as though he was vibrating slightly. Sniffles and whimpers were heard every two seconds and Indigo made him look her in the eyes. 

"Pres, its okay. Listen to me, I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. Look, you'll get through this, I just need you to follow my voice and relax." She explained. Preston nodded through the tears, his breathing ragged. "Turn around." 

He did as he was told and set with his back to her. She knelt behind him on the bed and massaged the boys tense shoulders. When she felt him slightly relax, she set her chin on his shoulder and pressed a delicate kiss to his neck. She wrapped her arms around his neck from the back and she snuggled close to him. 

Once Preston felt a little more at peace, Indigo relocated to in front of the boy where she wiped the tears from his face and pushed the sweaty hair away from his forehead. 

"Inds?" Preston asked. 

"Yes, lovey?" She responded. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen. Any of this." Preston sobbed. She set her hands on his once again tense shoulders. 

"Preston Oliver, listen to me. I know that none of this was your fault. It was that bi*ch and don't worry, she'll get her karma. She's going down a bad path, and self sabotage is about to bite her in the butt. Trust me, I might not know what you're going through, but I'm trying to understand how you feel, and I know it must be terrible. I love you so much, and don't worry, nobody's blaming anything on you. None of this is your fault, Pres. Breathe through the day, remember?" Indie reassured. He settled down and wiped his tears, sniffling away. 

He eventually got off the bed and managed to change into black sweatpants and his grey Las Vegas sweatshirt. Indie put on her lulu leggings and Preston's black basketball hoodie. They both wore Air Jordan's sneakers and they walked down the stairs together. 

"Good morning, you two. You alright?" Jennifer asked, kissing her daughter on the top of the head and giving Preston a reassuring squeeze as she hugged him. 

"We're good, mom." Indie lied. Both of them were scared out of their minds, just for two very different reasons. 

Preston was terrified of how today was going to turn out, while Indie was worried about her boyfriend's mental health and how he was gonna react today. 

"We all ready to head out?" Robert asked. They all nodded. They took two cars. 

Robert drove his truck, Jennifer in the front seat with Jacob and Banks in the backseat. And Eliza took her small rental car. She drove while Indigo and Preston sat in the back. One of them could've sat in the front, but Indigo wanted to comfort her boyfriend on the way to the hospital, so she agreed that the both of them should stay in the back. Eliza had agreed. 

Let the 45 minute drive begin. 


sorry for the short chapters! we're getting INTO IT now!!! hope ya'll enjoyed even though its still kind of short! love you all, stay golden! <3 


The Affects of SOSS (Preston Oliver) (Secrets of Sulphur Springs)Where stories live. Discover now