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It was around 5:30 in the morning when the Downey's and Oliver's pulled into the large and already bustling parking lot of Maple Hospital. Robert, Jennifer, Banks, and Jacob had parked first and walked over to the other car. Eliza climbed out and opened her son's door. 

There he was, Indigo fast asleep on his shoulder, terrified look on his face as tears glistened, threatening to spill. 

"You ready?" Eliza asked lightly. 

"Not really..." Preston mumbled. He turned his head to the girl resting on his shoulder. "Indie? Time to wake up, blossom, we're here." 

Indie pressed her eyes shut harder and rubbed them before lazily lifting her head to look at the boy. 

"Already?" She asked. Preston nodded. She stretched as he climbed out of the car. She followed him and Eliza slammed the car door shut. The group walked towards the hospital entrance, Indie and Preston holding hands at the back of the group. 

As Preston looked up at the looming building ahead, he began to tremble lightly. Indigo noticed and rubbed circles into his hand. They arrived at the entrance and Preston was already beginning to fall apart. Indie noticed his breathing get heavy and unsteady and she addressed the group ahead of the couple. 

"Hey, guys, we'll be right in. Could you check us in and then wait in the waiting room?" She asked, tilting her head in Preston's direction, who was at the beginning of one of his horrid panic attacks. The group nodded, understanding Indigo's message and walked in. 

Indie led the boy over to a bench outside the hospital entrance and they sat down. Indie set her hand on his thigh and laid her head on his shoulder. He laid his head on top of hers and felt tears brim over. 

"Look at the sunrise. Isn't it pretty?" Indie smiled as she pointed ahead of them. Over the filled parking lot, the sun was rising, making the sky a beautiful array of bright colors. Preston looked at it. 

"I guess so." He muttered. His words came out jumbled and stuttered. She lifted her head to look at him. He avoided her gaze. 

"Preston." She stated. 

"Hmm?" He asked, still not meeting her stare. 

"Look at me please." She stated lightly. He did as he was told. "Listen, follow my voice. Everything is gonna be okay today. You'll be alright. I want you to do your best to hold it together. I know it'll be hard, but I believe in you. If you ever need to get away for a bit, you let me know and we'll find somewhere to go. I love you, and you've got this, Pres." 

He finally brought himself to take a deep breath and nodded. He looked back at the sunrise and felt a half smile crack from his lips. Indie noticed this and smiled brightly. 

"You ready? I'm pretty sure everyone's waiting on us." Indigo chuckled. Preston took another deep breath and nodded lightly. "Remember, you've got this, love." 

The two intertwined their hands and entered the hospital, together. They put hand sanitizer on at the entrance and approached the waiting room on the left. Their party was hard to miss due to its copious amount of people. 

"You both good?" Jacob asked gently. They nodded. 

"Alright, I was informed that they are on the second floor, labor room 2." Eliza stated, reading the sheet of paper in her hand. Jennifer nodded. 

"Nearest elevator is right there." She pointed out. 

"Let's go folks." Robert sighed. They approached the elevator across the waiting room and piled in. Banks hit the button for floor 2. They were silent the entire elevator ride. Once the door opened, they meandered their way down the long hallway until they came to labor room 2. There were only a few chairs outside and currently, Mr. Shannon Curran occupied one of them. 

The Affects of SOSS (Preston Oliver) (Secrets of Sulphur Springs)Where stories live. Discover now