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Heyyyyyy everyone! It's been a while! This chapter is dedicated to my friend Austin! I may not have been able to get the oneshot up, but I hope this is just as good! happy belated Friendaversary for my best friend here on Wattpad! I'm so thankful we became friends and I really hope you like this chapter! I wouldn't be here without you, and I love you so so much! Enjoy the chapter!! <3 :) @AJSwagmire

"What did you just say to her?" He asked, his voice a raspy growling tone.

"You heard me." Preston didn't back down. The man began angrily walking towards the boy.

Okay....maybe he stood up for himself a little too much. 


"Is there a problem over here?" A platinum blonde woman asked sweetly as she walked over. Preston's fixed glare remained on the older man. Indie sidled up beside him and trailed her hand down his arm. 

His muscles relaxed under Indigo's gentle touch. 

"There is a problem. Security!" Kyliegh Curran's father yelled. Preston scoffed. 

"Security? What do you mean, "security"?" Preston asked, voice raising. 

"You are a psychotic teenage boy. Security!" He yelled again. Preston narrowed his eyes. 

"Psychotic!? Me!? You wanna talk about psychotic?! Let's talk about the fact that your asshole daughter r@ped me!" Preston screamed. Mr. Curran's eye twitched in anger. 

"What goes around comes around, Preston. You deserved what happened to you, and you know what? Maybe she should do it again, how would you feel about that?" The man lowered his voice, sneering at the boy. 

Those words broke through Preston's anger piece by piece until he was crumbling like a cookie. He felt his gaze fall, his eyes sting with tears, and his heart start to race. He gulped back the emotions inside of him as his mother stepped between the boy and the man, glaring at him. 

"What, is he gonna cry? Good, its all his fault!" The man yelled. "Let's go Ky!" 

They stormed out of the room, Kyliegh smirking at them before following with the baby. Eliza turned around to face her son who was now hyperventilating. 

"Pres, you're okay, don't listen to anything they say, okay?" His mother comforted. 

"It's all my fault!" Preston choked out before bursting into tears. The four words that had broken him had been used against him once again. 

"No, Preston, no its not." Indie said, setting her hand on his back.

He was hunched over and the tears wouldn't stop. Indigo wrapped her arm around his waist and pulled him into her delicate touch as Eliza wiped his tears. 

That had seemed to prove useless though, as the tears wouldn't stop. Preston was shaking and couldn't hold it back anymore. 

As if things couldn't get any worse, a beefy man in a black uniform entered the waiting room. 

"Preston Oliver, you're gonna have to come with me." He stated, holding a pair of silver handcuffs out in front of him. 


An hour later, the boy was sitting in the tiny cell at the hospital's security office. He had his hands cuffed behind his back, and he hadn't stopped crying since the incident. The officer chewed his gum loudly and stared at the camera's on his computer screen. He hadn't asked what happened, he hadn't listened when Mrs. Oliver tried to tell him what happened, and here he was, lazily lounging, with his feet propped up on his desk. 

Moments later, a knock was heard at the door. Preston looked up with tears in his hazel eyes and looked towards the officer. He rolled his eyes lightly and got up, hastily spitting his gum in the trash before opening the door. 

"Officer. To what do I owe this pleasure?" The security guard stated sarcastically. Officer Felisha pushed her way through the door and past the security guard. The man scoffed. "You're really not supposed to-" 

"One more word, and I'll have your job." Officer Felisha warned, piercing green eyes boring into his soul. He backed off. The woman swiftly crossed the room to the cell. "Pres, what happened?"

He sniffled and shot her pleading eyes. She nodded, getting the message. 

"I need you to let him out." Officer Felisha stated abruptly. 

"Excuse me?" The guard asked. 

"Preston Oliver, out, now." She dumbed it down. 

"Ma'am, that's not really how this works." The guard tried to reason. 

"You will let him out of that cell within the next five seconds, and you will release him into my custody, and you will leave him alone, unless you wanna find out what its like to be jobless, and I'll have hospital staff dragging you out of here kicking and screaming." Felisha sneered. The man huffed before unlocking the cell, gesturing for Preston to get out. 

"I never get to have any fun...." The man muttered as he removed the cuffs from the young boys' wrists. 

Officer Felisha set a comforting hand on Preston's back as she led him out the door, sniffling and wiping the fallen tears on his sleeve. 

"Pres!" Indie exclaimed, running across the hall as officer Felisha and the boy exited the security office. She threw her arms around him and squeezed him tight. Eliza walked over and rubbed her son's upper back. 

"You okay, kiddo?" She asked gently. Preston sniffled from Indigo's shoulder. 

"Alright, I'm tired of the Curran's and their shit. It's time to finish this." Officer Felisha resolved. 

Preston looked up, tears gleaming in his gorgeous eyes. 

For once though, he looked......



i'm backkkkk! this was a short one, but I needed to get this out! kind of a fill chapter, and I'm almost done with this book I think!! 

I wanted to dedicate this chapter to my best friend here on Wattpad, Austin! thank you so much for always being there for me, and I know how much you love this book, so I hope you loved this chapter! love you so so so much!! <3 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 24 ⏰

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The Affects of SOSS (Preston Oliver) (Secrets of Sulphur Springs)Where stories live. Discover now